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Name: Emery Jones

Alias/Nickname: Emi

Age: 10

Gender: Transexual

Species: Ghoul

Hair color: silver

Eye color: blue

Appearance: likes to wear long sleeve shirts with open neck, black tank top underneath, black short shorts, long black and white stocking, and black canvas shoes

Powers/abilites/styles/gifts: invulnerable, regeneration, can see spirits/ghosts, can sense imminent death

Weapons: teeth, crowbar, and bag of marbles

Involved in: RP

Personality: extremely shy, bashful, cautious,

Family: None

Partner: None

Likes: flesh, listening to music, cartoons, cats, coffee, playing marbles

Dislikes: big crowds, meeting new people, rape, going to the beach

Sayings: None

Extra: Bisexual

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