Chapter 26

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[A/n: ⚠️ Oikawa time skip spoilers kinda???]

Suna's POV:

Osamu spoke over the three of us, preparing us for the next flashback for the day. "Okay. I can't help but wonder.."

"Then stop wondering."

"Too late, plans already in action. I cant help but wonder about you," assuming he meant me from the look "and how you acted in your past relationships."

"Ohh this ones a goodun." Oikawa laughed, earning a glare. Because really, it's *not* a 'goodun'.
He stuck his hands up to 'shield himself'. "Look, if you don't say then i will."

"Seriously." Said Osamu. "Because from what i heard, they'd always complain about you being 'too moody'. Yet you're one of the smiliest people i know."
I really hated him for saying that. And i hated it even more when nobody said anything afterwords. Oikawa and Suga talk far too much when i don't want them to. Why don't they speak when i *do* want them?! Now it's obvious...
"What? Did i say something wrong?"
I cant tell if he was curious of concerned because i refused to look up. Reason being, the fucking blush. Why do people blush?!

"No no." Waved Suga, laughing. "It's perfect actually."


Oikawa tutted. "Ah Osamu. Poor poor Osamu. Naive Osamu." But this really didn't help Osamu put any pieces together. Why would it.

"You say you were interested in Suna before you hooked up, correct?". Osamu slowly nodded his head at Suga's question. "Because he was ~mysterious~." He sang, followed by a laugh.

"I uh, i guess."

"Because he never really... *smiled*."

"Okay Suga, that's enough." I interrupted, hating every second of this. "Besides, you're over complicating it." I turned my attention back to Osamu, because might as well say it before them two do. "They're saying i wasn't 'smily' before you, Osamu." ... "You're the reason i'm smiling." I had to add on because dumbass Osamu just can't get the fucking point!


"Yeah, oh. But i'm not smiling right now so if we could please move on."

"Holddd on. We never got an answer."

"Instead of complaint about anything. learn to be thankful for everything."

"You did *not* just quote a tiktok."
I only smiled the disgusted group. Because yes, i did just quite a tiktok. And i'm proud of it.
"Anyway. If i may. Here's some messages from young Rinrin."
Oikawa held his phone out where he had scrolled far far up to our old messages.

"What?! No! Dude! Those are private!"

"We share everything." Osamu said right before taking the phone out of Oikawa's hand. Holding me with one arm and extending the other arm with the phone. Stopping me from snatching the phone away.

Flash back four(?)

Cool 1, cool2 and suna

Cool1 [Oikawa]
y'all up for a barbecue at mine? Dad wants some ✨family time✨

Cool2 [Sugawara]
doesnt us coming defeat the whole "family" purpose?

Yeah. But he said i could invite you guys
probably scared it'll be awkward
so please come

I'm there
not sure about suna


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