Candy canes and WAR

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On a nice day in DiscussionLand, the topic was waking up early.
- It being early means that i have the entire day to eat my candy cane.- said Vultura while peeling the plastic stuff off it like a banana.
Taly Also appeared very epicly, joining the conversation. Vultura continued to peel the plastic with their long nails.
- Ahhh candy canes, the only Minty tasting thing i actually like. - they said.
- Me who haven't had candy canes before. - Taly stared at vulturas candy cane.
- How have you never eaten a candy cane before? - asked vultura.
Taly said that she haven't seen them being sold in her country.
- I'm sorry for your loss. - said vultura sadly, halfway done powerfully scratching off the candy cane packaging with their claws.
- You better be. - said Taly.
The conversation later went to talking about nail length because everyone saw vulturas nails. How nice.
Many more people appeared in DiscussionLand.
- I've been awake for almost an hour please i dont want to face the challenge of being hungry. - said Souda.
Vultura started nibbling their 7-8 months old candy cane in front of soudas face.
- Souda wait just a bit, I will get out of under your bed and I will cook.- said kitanai, but something went wrong.
- WAIT MY LEG IS ASLEEP! - he said in distress.
- I ATE IT! You can't take it out of my mouth!! - said Apple.
- I will, LIKE IN CARTOONS!- replied Souda.
Vultura questioned on why is Kitanai at their space under souda's bed, and he just replied: it is OUR space.
And then something very shocking turned out. That Neon Wolfie is the demon under all of h their beds! (She was half joking.. Just HALF..)
Nyan also showed all of them their cucumba. It was a very nice one. A very very nice cucumba.

And this is when the war began...
Vultura KICKED Neon, after that Neon grabbed Vultura's ankles, and promised Souda that she will grab theirs too.
Souda recommended Vultura to turn their candy cane into a weapon, but they couldn't because it was half-eaten. :(.
Souda had a coffin prepared for that. It was a beautiful yellow minion coffin. Vultura tried to run but it was too late.
-Well, at least I'm not going in it. - said meatball, ina relieved tone.
- No, you get the Maui one.- said Neon.
Vultura didn't get in.
- I payed three (3) bucks for it you WILL get in! - said Souda.
- Are we capturing Vul?- asked Taly.
-Get away Meraki!-they said, hissing at her.
Taly went closer to Vultura.
Teensy just ran into discussionland, then faded away very edgily. It was so edgy.
It suddenly started smelling like BBQ, Souda noticed it first. Vultura screeched in Soudas ear.
- You clown, You buffoon. I live with 2 little brothers who play Roblox pvp for ten+ hours straight. How did you assume I haven't gone deaf.- said Souda.
-Call them a smurfbuffoon, it's effective.-said Taly.
- I would but I fear I may be attacked in my sleep, Taly.-replied Souda.
-Yes, yes you would.-said Vultura.
-How about a 10k dollars Gru coffin, m'lord?-asked Kiowwa.
-FOOL, I want SPIKES in my coffin!! And this coffin is SEVERELY lacking spikes!!- complained Vultura. They must like spiked collars,too.
- But Vultura, you are immortal why are you letting yourself be put in a coffin? - asked Taly, then waiting for the answer.
-Coffins are cosy! What did great uncle Jimmy need all those cushioning for anyway.-replied Vultura.
-Oh so you're casually going to sleep, ok.-replied Taly.
- Me and Vultura are worth only 2-3 dollars.-said Meatball.
Later a war started between Taly and Vultura because Taly quoted Rothar.
Luckily Kiowwa came to help telling Vul to go in the gru coffin. Vultura just hissed.
Neon offered them the pixie cut maui coffin.
The war continued. Taly suddenly unlegged Vultura by making their legs disappear. They made their legs reappear, and bit Taly's ankles.

Later, Taly was kin assigned to a star on teensy's drawing of the Airplaned Mordetwi meme, and Vultura was kin assigned a Teardrop.
Then Vultura kicked Taly so hard her ancestors could feel it. At least they thought they did, Taly dodged it epicly. The air's ancestors must've been hurt. 😭
The war went on.
Turns out Vultura took a whole hour to eat their candy cane.

Then Vultura decided to state that Taly is illiterate, then Taly used the most effective and strong weapon to use on all Vultura kind. The Maui Offspring-calling.
It was so shocking.
The war started to get a bit less intense from here.
And then Rudd fed Vultura a build vegetable.

And after that people started going in and out of the convo, and perhaps many other interesting things happened.

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