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This is chapter is actually not part of actual storyline. Just to break the ice for so long that I haven't updated...

Dedicated to @raleigh_hazz


2 years before the plague

That morning was such fine for Vasilissa. Her mother had just recently released her from those torturous lessons.

"Your Highness." A young boy tapped her bare shoulder.

"Prince Harold of Scotland. Such nice to see you again." Vasilissa politely curtsied

"No need for formalities, Princess." He gestured to the lake, we walked hand in hand.


"How is Kent?" King Isaac inquired the monarch couple.

"Let us skip the formalities. We know why you are here." King Caleb impaled.

"Yes, Yes!" The Scottish King giggled in mockery of delight. He pulled out rolls of scarlet parchment. "Why don't we get to the point. "

The monarch couple held each other in secrecy.  As King Caleb rolled open the first scroll. The Scottish King smiled once more.

"An arranged marriage?" Queen Amiyah questioned. "We already signed a treaty of allegiance to you. What is the arrange marriage of your son and our daughter for?"

"We are totally loyal to you. We have fought so many battles together,Isaac. Are you questioning our loyalty? " King Caleb questioned

"This is not a question of loyalty." His grin grew wider "My son fancies your daughter. "

The two monarch's eyes grew wide as a bee. An eerie silence ripped through the study.

"Look out the window. Look how he stares with much content to Vasilissa." King Isaac explained "I.just  hope you haven't fancied anyone for her yet."

"My friend. I understand the Crown Prince's wants for my daughter. But she is far too young."

The Scottish King nodded in reply.His  face explained sadness for the rejection of his grand offer.

"If it means anything.  May I refer Vasilissa's niece. Princess Raleigh of England. Far greater nobility she holds."

"Thank you my friend. But please do keep this among us." The Scottish King left the study as fast as the wind. Leaving the letters and proposals in the once organized tables.

The two monarchs cleaned and left the letters in a safe vault. Hoping their secret is safe.


"I must go now. The journey to England awaits." Harold announced

"You are leaving? " Vasilissa frowned

"Yes, I am going to continue my studies." Harold softly replied

Vasilissa hesitated for a while. "Then take this with you". Without a doubt,  She pulled him in a warm embrace.

And a kiss.

The two broke up after a while. Still savoring the effects of the kiss.

"I shall treasure this moment in my heart. Princess."

"As will I"

The two exchanged formal curtsies and went on their seperate ways.


ⓒ The First Kiss

There you go! A present for @Raleigh_hazz for being my bestest friend. And a present to all of you! I may be the slowest writer ever. But.. I updated right?

This story is a trip down memory lane. Features Vasilissa's past before she had the plague. (She forgot Harold because she became sick)

Happy 500+ reads guys!

#-* TheLovelyLadyReader

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