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Kageyama's POV

"Did you hear about the Jackals' spiker?"


"I heard the guy just quit. Said he'd had enough of volleyball."

"Really? I thought it was family business."

"I heard something happened between him and the coach."

"Yikes. Scary stuff."

"He was good, too..."

"Well, less trouble for us."

The unnatural buzz of rumors and gossip reached Kageyama's ears for the umpteenth time that day. He didn't really care about news and recent happenings, even if it involved volleyball. His teammates, however, loved to talk about it, so he got an earful whenever something interesting happened.

"Who left?" He asked Hoshiumi, a spiker who rivaled even Hinata in jumping power, during break.

Hoshiumi shrugged. "All I've heard is that it was a good player. There hasn't been a name yet. Heck, I don't even know if it's true."

Kageyama nodded, contemplating Hoshiumi's words.

"I wouldn't go around believing it," the spiker continued. "That entire team loves volleyball way too much to quit. Especially Hinata."

Kageyama smiled a bit at the mention of the name.

"You're right."

Hinata wouldn't quit. No one on that team would. It was just some silly rumor.

Besides, the next day was Thursday, which meant Friday was on the horizon. He had no time to spare if he wanted to be on his game to beat the Jackals.

"Let's practice some quicks," Kageyama suggested to Hoshiumi. "The game's not far off."

Hoshiumi nodded, his abnormal eyes scrunching up as he grinned. It was scarily reminiscent of how Hinata grinned.

Kageyama felt that familiar pang of loneliness seep through his composure, and all at once he felt like just going home and calling his best friend, even if it was only to hear his voice and to bicker aimlessly with him.

But he refrained. Besides, it's not like Hinata would pick up.

He picked up a volleyball and threw it to Hoshiumi, ready to start the one-on-one practice.

Volleyball came first. Always.


motivation is scarce these days, to be honest...i'm still going to do my best, though! thanks for staying with me.

keep smiling,

ramen  ⁎⁺˳✧༚

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