Book 2 - Chapter 10

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Jamie sat on the chair beside Sam's bed. Jade had gone home to get dressed, leaving him alone to dwell.

He sighed, deflated, and dropped his head to his hands. He felt completely emotionally and physically drained. He hadn't slept in two days and hadn't eaten in about that long either.

Although he had completely drained Sam of blood his body still craved food. Sam's blood wasn't human, so it offered him no nutrition whatsoever. The stolen blood that flowed through his veins didn't lend him strength or make him full. Instead it made every part of his body ache. It felt as though his body was rejecting the blood.

Or perhaps it was the blood that rejected his body.

Either way it filled him with a barely controllable urge to slit his veins open and allow the blood to spill out.

But he didn't set it free.

He had brought this pain upon himself. It was the consequence of what he had done.

One of them at least.

He was sure there would be more when Sam finally woke up.

. . . If she ever woke up.

For now though, he sat by her side with his head in his hands, trying desperately to ignore the burning in his veins. The whole time projecting a psychic message of every profanity he could think of at Jack. Hoping he would hear it and answer.

Though with each passing moment it seemed less and less likely that Jack would appear.

Jack was the only one who knew enough about Sam to be able to help.

And neither Jamie nor Jade knew how to get in contact with him.

And the only person who did know how to contact Jack was lying on her bed in a seemingly perpetual state of unconsciousness.

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