Chapter 35

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I found 1 of ur fledglings.

Sam sent the text to Aleczander as she walked down the stairs. She opened the door, there was a guy there with a pizza box in his hand. "Sixteen-fifty," he recited, his tone sounding about as bored as he looked. 

Sam handed him a twenty, then took the box out of his hand. "Keep the change." She closed the door before the pizza guy had a chance to say anything else.

She heard her phone buzz on the table beside the door where she had set it down. Sam held the pizza box in one hand and picked the phone up with the other. There was a message from Aleczander.

It read, Claudio told me. I can't see him for a month or so. I have dealings to do with the Lycanthropes and whatnot, best to keep him out of sight, I'll call you when I'm done with that and you can bring him to see me.

Sam replied with, Whatev, tel Eva I said hi.

After shoving her phone into her bra for safekeeping, she went into the kitchen, hunkering down at the fridge where she got herself the bottle of Pepsi.

As she straightened, a wave of dizziness overtook her, causing her vision to blur momentarily. She turned swiftly, pushing her back against the countertop for stability as she squeezed her eyes shut, giving her head some time to clear.

There was a moment before she felt her body calm, when her instincts caused her lips to part, a spell almost escaping her.

Snapping her jaw shut and clenching her teeth together, she ignored the voice in the back of her mind that told her she should call Jack for help and with a determination, bordering on stubbornness, wrote it off as nothing more than a moment of vertigo before she made her way back to the attic.

When she opened the door, Jamie was standing by one of the shelves that lined the walls, leaning against it, flipping through the pages of one of the books. He looked up when she entered and smiled. "You didn't tell me you wrote poetry."

Sam looked at him in confusion. "What?" she asked. "I don't write poetry . . . I don't even read poetry."

Jamie smiled then looked down at the book in his hand. "I will not shed a tear for life, for death I will not—" Sam rushed forward and slammed the book he was reading closed.

He smiled at her again. "They're not bad you know," he said. "Some of them even rhyme."

Sam rolled her eyes and set the pizza box and the Pepsi bottle down on her chair, discretely placing her phone on the table before he had time to notice where she'd stashed it. She picked up the book Jamie had been reading from, then slapped him across the head with it, putting as much of her physical strength into it as possible.

Jamie looked more surprised than angry or hurt. He put his hand to his head, though Sam knew that it would take more than being slapped with a book to cause him pain. "What was that for?" he asked.

"For being an idiot," Sam replied, then placed the book back on the shelf. She cleared a space on the table for the pizza box and left the Pepsi on the floor. "That's not a book of poetry, it's a book of spells. I didn't write them, they were already written. And you don't read a spell out loud unless you want to put it into effect."

"Oh," Jamie said and ran his hand through his hair. He smiled awkwardly. "Sorry . . . So what was that one?" Sam opened the pizza box while glaring at him.

"That one was a belated birthday present from Jack . . . it's a spell for immortality," she said. "Want some?" She pointed to the pizza.

Jamie looked at the pizza as if it were diseased. "No . . . Thank you."

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