Together Again

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"Maybe we could pretend to be sick," Therrick suggested. "Or dead. That way, they'll have to open this damn cell and we escape."

Nyx turned to Ahsoka, who was sitting on the bench. "What do you think we should do, Ahsoka?"

"Let's look at how we got here." Ahsoka started to say.

"Oh, I know the answer to that," Therrick said. "We're here because you convince Nyx to dump the spice and he did."

Ahsoka stood from her seat. "I never told him to do that."

Nyx sighed in frustration. "We're not circling back to this again."

Therrick turned to him. "If we went through with my original deal, we'd be back on Coruscant counting our money right now."

Ahsoka crossed her arms. "Your original deal was the problem."

Therrick frowned at her. "That's your opinion."

"Well," Nyx scratched his head. "I hate to say this, but I'm with Ahsoka."

Therrick rolled his eyes at Nyx. "Really? When did this happen?"

"When did what happen?" Nyx asked in confusion.

"The two of you against me," Therrick said. "Siding with your girlfriend over here."

Ahsoka chuckled. "Whoa, I am not his girlfriend," She corrected.

Nyx looked slightly offended, then shook it off. "Yeah, what she said." He agreed. "And another thing, who in bantha poodoo cares about sides right now? We need to find a way out of here and the only way we'll be able to do that is if we set aside our differences and work together."

"Your words are...inspiring, kid," Therrick noted. "But it's easier said than done."

Ahsoka cleared her throat. "I think I know a way to get us out of here."

Therrick sighed. "I hope it's better than your last plan."

Nyx rolled his eyes at Therrick. "Do you always have to counter everything Ahsoka says?"

"You know, I'm offended that you trusted a girl you barely knew over me, who you've known since you were a child."

"She's my friend," Nyx argued. "So, Ahsoka, what's your plan?"

Ahsoka looked down and huffed. "It's better if you don't know."

Therrick frowned. "How will we know what to do if we don't even know the plan?"

"Therrick, you need to trust me." She insisted.

"Me? Trust you?" Therrick scoffed. "We've been over this, girl."

"Look, Nyx is right," She said. "We each played a part in getting here. Now we need to do the same to get out. But we have to trust each other."

"I'm with you," Nyx agreed. "Therrick?"

Therrick sighed. "What choice do I really have?"

Suddenly, the ray shield of their prison cell opened and Pyke guards gestured for them to come out.

"Come with us," One Pyke said.

All three of them were taken to Marg Krim's throne room, with the Pyke boss himself sitting on the throne and his Majordomo, Fife at his side.

"So," Marg Krim said. "Are you ready to make a choice?"

Therrick huffed. "Depends on what the choices are."

"Hmm," Marg Krim jabbed a finger at Therrick. "Pay your debt or watch your friends die...slowly."

Ahsoka stepped forward. "I want to cut a deal with you, alone."

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