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"mom why do I have to come with you? Im a guy I don't get my toes and nails done!" Berlin whined as he threw his hat on.

"berlin i told you this already its a good way for you to make friends." His mom said as she moved the hat aside and kissed his forehead.

"yeah yeah." He said as he dragged his feet behind her, making his way to their car.

"wait... what do you mean friends?" Berlin asked, while he buckled his seat belt.  "Ion wanna meet nobody nasty kid- especially at some salon..."

"Glad you asked! my best friend stephanie's son will be at the salon! he's there most of the time!" She told him.

"why is he even there? don't tell me he's getting his toes done." Berlin chuckled.

"no! it's his part time job i believe to pay for his college tuition one day!" She said, as he rolled his eyes.

"now remember cory isn't one of your cousins, so be nice and don't go too hard on him." She looked at him as she started the car.

"whatever I'll be nice..." he said, glaring out the window.

"I'm serious or I'll make you spend the rest of your summer with him the shop." She pointed.

"Fine ma, let's just go and get this over with...



"welcome! thank you so much for coming! please sign those tickets over there and I'll get you both settled in." I spoke to a lady and her son.

Berlin and his mom had just made it to the salon.  His mom was signing in while young berlin stayed distracted on this mystery boy taking the order for nails.

"Aye man. It's just her" The strange boy chuckled stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Ight" I mumbled in focus and wrote everything down. After I was done I watched the mother and son make their way to a spot of open seats, away from the other 5 people already here.

"go talk to him! and be his friend" I heard lady pushed her son, speaking a little less quiet.

"but. he looks weird" He sighed, as she glared at him.

"Who is he talking about, cuz I know it ain't me..." I thought to myself.

"fine" He huffed.  I seen him make his way towards me just standing there. Big head self...

"can i help you sir?" I smiled sarcastically.

"its berlin." He looked up at me as he noticed me still smiling at him.

"got-damn.. you sure them braces working mr.. uh.. cory?" He choked out looking at my name tag.

"excuse me?" I said, looking him up and down. "you heard me! your.braces.working.yes.or.nah" He slowed down his words for me, as I already heard the first time.

"are you trying to be funny?" I slightly pushed him backwards as he got the message I was sending. You not gon approach me and start mess you can't finish.

"you putting your hands on me snagatooth headass!" He pushed me back.

"clearly, you monkey!!" I spoke as I pushed him harder making him slightly stumble. "you got yourself into this!" Berlin threw his hat off.

"bring it on braces!" Berlin then smirked right after.

Berlin pushed me towards the wall making me groan. Both my back and head hitting the wall.

"freak you! you darn egghead!" I glared rubbing my head.

"whats that? you to holy to curse you ass!" Berlin chuckled. "at least I have the lord on my side" I said.

"im tired of you nonsense, gaps" Berlin pushed me again the wall, making everyone  quickly look our way. This man slammed me on the wall really hard.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE!" His mom then approached us helping me up.

"HEY WHATS ALL THIS NOISE OUT HERE!?" My mom then came out from the back room.

"Our sons were fighting! "Said the boy's mom.

"That's it!" My mom said squinting her eyes. "Yall finna spend summer together to get along... AS we had PLANNED!"

"What!?" Me and berlin both screamed In unison.

I was more worried on the face my mom was slowly losing customers due to our nonsense. She needed this money and I wasnt helping at all-

"You heard me. First thing tomorrow, yall going to go to the park together!" Screamed my mom.

"But-" we both said again.

"No buts!" Thanks to yall I gotta close shop early!" My mom said.

"I'm so sorry stephanie!" Said his mom helping him up as well. "were just gonna leave out of your hair before anything else happens. I owe you honey!" Then they walked out the shop without no further words.

While they walked out me and berlin made heavy eye contact.

This is why I dont have friends.

𝐔𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 "ᴄᴏʀʏxʙᴇʀʟɪɴ"Where stories live. Discover now