chaper 4 - first full day

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3rd POV

when chuuya woke up, dazai was gone and his jacket was placed gently around him.
he rose up from his bed and rubbed his eyes. he walked out of his room to the kitchen where dazai and his mom were talking and making breakfast.

"oh! good morning chuu!" him mom called at chuuya in the hall.
he waved and looked at dazai who was smiling at him. he sat down on the kitchen seats and closed his eyes.
"you've gotta stay awake, i know it's early but school is still a thing." she said, rolling an egg roll up on a plate.

"there's more coming up too!" she said, smiling and started cooking again.
dazai smiled and took the plate and handed it to chuuya.
"eating would wake you up." he said, pushing the plate to him, handing him the chopsticks.
"hmm." he groaned back and picked up the chopsticks.

he said thanks and took a bite.
"my jacket looks good on you." he said as chuuya blushed and pulled up on the sleeve.
"it's big.." he said, flapping the extra fabric around in his arms.
"well because you're so small~" he giggled.
he blushed and aggressively bit down eating the egg.

"hey dazai-kun, please take care of my son, as you can see, he gets angry easily and always hurts himself." him mom said.
"tsk, i don't need his help momma." he said and flipped the hoodie up.
she laughed and gave dazai his breakfast.
"i can see that, don't worry, i will take care
of my little chibi~" he said and winked at chuuya.

he blushed madly and brought the hoodie down to cover up his blush on his cheeks. his mom giggled and bit and smiled at the two of them.
dazai sat next to chuuya and brought the hoodie down and ruffled his, long orange hair.
"stop it." he said and glared at him.
"no need to get angry now chibi~" he said, bopping his nose and started to eat his food.

chuuya blushed again and stomped off to his room.
"i'm getting changed." he growled and closed the door behind him.
dazai giggled and took another bite of food. after chuuya exited the room he had a black shirt on with dark orange and back pants with grey shoes.
dazai smiled and stood up from sitting down and went to chuuya's room to change.

"thank you for everything." dazai said before he left with chuuya, putting his shoes on.
they walked out the front door and went to dazai's car, chuuya sitting in the front and closing his eyes.
"why are you so tired today?" dazai asked, closing the door behind him.
he didn't answer and started breathing slower.
'oh, he's asleep..' he thought and sighed. he started the car and started driving to the school.

when he parked the car in the lot, he got out of the car and went over to chuuya's side and opened the door.
he was curled up in a ball, quietly breathing, his hand twitching now and then.
"chuuya, wake up, we have school.." he said, shaking him a bit. he took in a deep breath, sighed, and remained asleep.
"ugh.." he said, pulling his head up.
he tried again then unbuckled his seatbelt and carried him up.
he was holding him bridal style, pinching his cheek. chuuya suddenly woke up and blushed when he saw dazai's face close to his. dazai sat him down on his feet then smiled.

"it's time for class, let's go or we'll be late." he said, still smiling. he nodded and walked along side of him, looking away, avoiding eye contact with anyone around whispering as they walked down the hall together.
as they walked into first period together all the girls scoured at the sight, but still continued talking to their friends.

"see you 3rd period chuu~" dazai said before he left chuuya in the hall. the girls in the same hall with him glared at him and some even approached him.
"listen here, bitch he is mine so leave him alone." she scowled and slapped his cheek.

he rolled his eyes at her and went into his classroom with his bag clutched in his hand. he rolled the long strip from his neck and placed the bag on the ground. he sighed as the teacher smiled and the whole class and welcomed them.
'today is going to be a long day.' he thought, pulling his history notebook out, writing down the notes on the board.

as the day came to an end, dazai was hanging around with chuuya, the girls scrunched up their noses and flipped their head away, jealous of the attention he was getting.
"hey do you mind if i stay at you're place again?" dazai asked, when the day ended, as they walked down the long hallways.

"sure, i don't mind, and my moms seem to like you." he said, putting a small smile on his face, walking next to dazai. he smiled with him and they walked out this his car, dazai opening the door for him. chuuya blushed a bit and sat down on the seat. he clicked on his seatbelt and looked at dazai, entering the car next to him, also putting on his seatbelt.

"so how was your day today?" dazai asked the small ginger next to him.
"it was a day. one of your stupid fan girls hate me, one even slapped me today." he said, rolling his eyes, looking out the window.
"heh, don't worry, i'll get her tomorrow." dazai said, closing his eyes and smiling.
chuuya rolled his eyes again at his silliness and laid his head back.

"still tired?" he asked as chuuya closed his eyes. 
"guess so." he said, his eyes still shut. dazai laughed and continued driving. chuuya soon fell asleep, the tiredness taking over. when he woke up, he was in his room, laying on his bed with dazais jacket on.

when he sat up, he saw dazai sitting on his chair by his desk, silently working on his homework. chuuya smiled and sat up, closing his eyes and flipping the hoodie up.
"good afternoon, chuuya." he said, looking at him with a bright smiled.

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