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Heya guys....so personally...this news broke me. 
I love this mod...so so much, it's done a lot for me. I made new friends...learned a new art thing or two...and just the mod itself is beautiful...Swap!Au and all the other Aus that were there too.

I am upset....I am upset that Dokki took it down...but do I respect it?
Hell yes. I do.
I am tired of some people ruining things...
Death threats!? Harassment..? Bullying...?
Why do these things..?
Why can't everyone just appreciate the fact that they tried their best.
Why can't everyone just love the mod for what it is? 

yea, there will be haters...but...why do some people have to literally make a person feel regret or making themselves take all that hard work down..?
It's upsetting...and maybe most people are happy that it's gone...but I'm not one of them...
I respect it...I do...but it's upsetting that people pushed Dokki and her team so hard as to where they wanted to just...stop. They wanted to just give up....it's upsetting...

I don't wanna make this too long...but this mod...? It deserved way more..than it got. It was amazing..I can't even begin to tell you all how much I love this mod...it isn't fair to some of us...yes, but I get taking it down. People bother you so much about updating- we have our own lives!! We can't get things done every single time you want them done!!
It can't happen....but what's done is done...I just wish it could have been different...

That's all I have to personally say...thank you all.....


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