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Sarvente closed down the Church for the night, turning off lights and closing the windows. She then walked down and went to the back of the Church. ".....Ruv? Are you in here?" She was looking for her long time Russian friend. He wasn't anywhere to be seen...

"Ruvyzvat? Are you in here?" She had eventually looked through the whole Church, and he was no-where to be found..."I guess this really is the end..." Sarv had been feeling...weird lately. She felt...distance and sometimes a little blurry. She noticed herself starting to fade away as well...but she didn't want to yet...what did they do?

She kept looking for Ruv. She finally found him in the very back of the Church, just sitting on the bed. "Ruv..? There you are...I was worried.." She sat by him and got pulled into a hug. She knew he knew it as well....they were fading from this world...

She felt the connection break between her and what brought her here...she could feel it...her world already had started to crumble weeks before...and now half of it was gone...She knew that everything came to an end...just...she didn't expect it so quickly...

She remembered fighting the little blue haired guy...she remembered having to restore the Church weeks after, she also remembered helping that same little blue haired guy, weeks before this day. He was so sad....

She hugged onto Ruv. This was the last time they could do it anyways...why not enjoy it? 
He hugged back, grunting a bit. "Sarv..." He knew a lot had been on her mind, he did as well. He realized that his time was up. Not just his time, but hers as well. He hated to admit that it was their time to leave...but it was quite obvious time was up. Their world had faded to almost nothing, and what was left was the Church and them....

Then suddenly something bright opened. It was a pink, like Sarvs magic when in her Lucifer form...two people came out of it..but they were blurry. "Raz...I dunno where we are! Let's look around!" The voices were starting to get blurry... "...Look...that looks like mama and papa..."

Selever looked over and did see them. "hey...that's right...why do they look so faded?" Raz looked at Selever. "We are too...look..." And he did. He looked down and noticed that everything was kinda...grey. "Raz- what world did we come into this time?"

Sarvente smiled at the two. "Hello...I would ask you too join....but I don't think you would be here for very long." Sel and Raz stared. It sounded just like their mom and looked just like her...but they definitely weren't in the canon world....were they? It was more colorful, more lively. What was this!?

"...Mama...? Papa..?" Rasazy went over to them and hugged them. She didn't mind if it was the real them or not. She had a feeling this would be the last world they were in anyways, so why not? "heh...I don't think I'm your Mom...but you look just as bad as we do...is he your brother..?" Sarv spoke quietly. She looked at the two. The older looked like her...and the younger looked a lot like Ruv...maybe this little one was right..."Yeah. His name is Selever...and I'm Rasazy..." The nun smiled. "Welcome to the Church.."

Ruv looked at them. "They all looked a lot alike...he was too tired to interrogate...he closed his eye. "So. You two came here for what reason?" Selever looked at him. They were getting worse...and so wasn't Raz..."Wel- it's boring in our world. It's literally nothing. A void like parallel universe where we only have books and portals to keep us entertained. I like exploring, and we got put here." Ruv nodded slowly. Kinda half understanding. His mind went fuzzy..like the rest of the world around them.

"Why are we fading Mama...?" Ruv looked over at the little one and Sarv. "I..I have no clue...it probably has something to do with why we got brought here in the first place. Maybe...we're being taken out of it." Sel didn't like that reply. "Well...why the hell bring us here if you're just gonna take us the fuck out!?" He sat down with the three of them. Sarv looked at him. "Language...please...you're in a Church.." 

That didn't help how Selever was feeling. "Yeah. A damned fading one." Ruv stayed silent. He was starting to feel really tired now. Suddenly he felt a pull. Selever had pulled them all into a hug. "This isn't fair...." Both him and Raz were starting to cry. Sarv hugged back and Ruv joined in as well.

"I have only one thing to say..."

. . . . . .

"May God forgive them....But we won't..."

All Good Things...They Eventually Come to an End...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt