Episode 16

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Banaj, Bhombal, Bani and Bina were waiting outside the meeting point of those miscreants...
Banaj asked Bhombal that why did Bijay did not came till now but Bhombal said that Shreyash refused Bijay to not to go to any foolish adventures like this and even he did not allow him to talk to Bijay too... Suddenly then Rocky started to bark at that moment..
Everyone was trying to understand why was he barking..
Everyone then went through the way Rocky went there..
Then everyone went inside a dilapidated godown.. While entering they saw many snatched away things are kept around.. Suddenly then a light fell upon them... The miscreants came out and saw them.. The two miscreants who attacked Bani and Bina that day had recognized them... They came at back of Banaj and attacked on his head at the back and he witnessed a sort of pain and then he fainted.. Bhombal, Bani and Bina got shocked to see him fainted.. Seeing that, Rocky ran to Bijay's house to give the signal that they four are in danger and he needs to go fast.. Bijay came out of his room to the balcony to see Rocky.. Seeing Rocky barking like that, he immedietly understood that something was wrong... He went to Shreyash to take his mobile..

Bijay: Dad! Give me the mobile once...

Shreyash saw the watch..

Shreyash: One hour later! I thinkthat so fast your studying can't get over....

Bijay went from there with an angry face.. He stood in the balcony and was trying to understand what was Rocky trying to signal...

Bijay: What is Rocky trying to say? This is Rocky's danger signal.. That means Banaj Da, Bani, Bhombal and Bina are in danger! No! I couldn't wait for a moment now.. Immedietly I've to go..

Bijay went to get ready to go and save Banaj, Bhombal, Bani and Bina.. 

Bijay got ready and came down... Shreyash got angry seeing him going out...

Shreyash: Where are you going Bijay?

Bijay: Dad they are all in danger.. You can't hear Rocky is barking... 

Shreyash: See Bijay... I don't want your future to be finished through this stupid adventures.. 

Bijay: The thing which you're telling stupid, its my talent.. Accha Dad! Have you ever asked me that what do I want to do in future? Ever? No! But they helped me in realizing my talent, my dream, my wish... Since childhood, you were not there for me and when I started to grow up, you came to me and you wanted to make me like you, a great businessman... But Dad I never wanted all these.. These long years I've wasted my time only for your advice... Where were you when I was in difficulty? Only when you needed me, you came and brainwashed me.. Why Dad! Why! Don't you want me to be happy in future! What do you want that I'll follow your stupid advices and end up my life with those.. They all are everything for me Dad.. They were with me in my difficult times.. And now its my time to be with them in their difficult times.. 

And that's called true friendship!

Shreyash: Oh! So you think that they're your future! Arey what will those stupid, idiot young immatured ones do? Can they build up your future?

Bijay: You know what! This house, this environment is good but not comfortable to me... I don't want to be a great business man like you! If I get to be that then I'll be greedy and selfish like you! Since childhood I didn't get a mother's love.. That too you had taken from me... I'm sorry Dad.. If you can't understand me, my wishes, I'm very sorry to follow according to your advice!

Bijay leaves..
Shreyash stood with an angry look...

In the police station,

Amit was giving some instructions jis force to immedietly go out for the mission....

Amit: Both of you immedietly go out with the huge police force to the mission...

Kunal: Ok sir!

Amit: Today the Penta Detective will reach there... So be ready... Bani has sent me the live location of the area... Okk?

Kunal (Inside): No sir! This time not the Penta Detective! Kunal Verma will reach there and will prove that he can also do a brave work!

Kunal made a challenge in his mind...

In the dilapidated godown,

The miscreants had caught and tied their hands and feets to a rope and are talking among themselves..

First miscreant: When I saw them the first day, I immedietly understood that they are police's spy... I think this two girls had followed our car and has note down the number.. That's why I changed the number  plate..

Banaj: You all can't harm us! Police has seen your faces and are aware of the location..

Bani (Whispering): Banaj Da! Don't loose your bravery..  Everything will be alright... I've sent the live location to Amit uncle and Bijay... I'm sure Bijay will come and save us... Bhombal, Bina.. You both be ready for my signal ok?

Both nodded...
Bijay ran through the streets..  He called Madhumita and told her to come to a location that he is sending her just now.
Madhumita was confused about why was Bijay telling her to go to that place.. And Bijay even told that is urgent and it's not the time to tell in detail.
She will reach and will understand everything there that was happening. Madhumita immediately agreed to do the work they had gave.. She took her assistant with her and followed to that place Bijay has sent her...

The miscreants were there planning to kill them and will bury them in the ground...
Bani was ready with her plan...

(Actually Bani and Bijay thought for like this to happen with Bijay.. So they both planned that Bijay will come after saying some excuse to Shreyash and will rescue them...)

After sometime, the miscreants were about to kill Banaj with a knife, when Bijay entered the godown by breaking the door.. Firstly he attacked on the perdon who was trying to kill Banaj... Then hw pushed him down and opened Bani's hands rope...

Bani: Good job Bijay..

Bijay: Thanks Bani! Your plan worked!

Bani: Its okk... Now you go!

Bani went and rescued Banaj.. Banaj got up and attacked another miscreant... Bijay also continued...
One of the miscreant was going to attack Bina when Bani came and attacked on his head...
Bhombal was one by one giving her catapult stunts...
Just then at that time the police arrived... After entering, Kunal saw a man was targeting a gun... Immediately he held a gun and one by one the police were taking away the misceants...
Once more, Amit uncle was proud of Penta Detective for their bravery and risk-taking mind... Madhumita started her interview then..
Shreyash got angry watching the news.. He switched off the TV then...
Kunal was feeling jealous of the Penta Detective as again they came first of the police and are getting the credits and appreciations...

Banaj, Bijay, Bhombal and Bani Bina together,
In the search of new mystery they are forever!
Where the danger goes they moves their way with perspective,
At the first in an adventure, there's Penta Detective!'

Precap: A new business idea!

Hey lovelies,
Did you all got a view that Penta Detective are nothing without each other...
And Bani and Bijay is great to make such a plan!
But again Kunal's plan has failed!😅
What's the next adventure for Penta Detective arriving then!
Lets wait for that!
With wishes,
Diya... (ruvya_obsession)

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