Chapter 3 - School: Jessica

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Taeyeon told Sunny to keep her notebook, and she did not need it. Instead, she just asked what they studied so far, and for whatever reason the materials instantly clicked with her.

However, after the confrontation with Jessica earlier, Sunny seemed to be awfully quiet. Taeyeon, with her head on the table, stared at her for a good 5 minutes and Sunny did not even react, but had a downhearted expression looking down on her lap.

What's wrong with her? After some thought, Taeyeon gave up and took the time to catch up on some sleep. She was partly thankful for the exam tomorrow and the review period today.


A 50 MINUTE LUNCH? I rather leave 50 minutes earlier. Taeyeon checked her timetable after the class was over. I wonder where Yoona is.

She walked over to the cafeteria and ordered her food. As soon as she sat down, she found­­­­­­­ Sunny's face looking down standing in front of her table.

"Can...I...sit here?" She asked Taeyeon nervously. It seemed that Sunny had been acting nervous ever since Jessica brought up her name earlier.

Ah. Jessica must have been picking on her before. If I sit with her, it's just going to attract more attention. Taeyeon glanced at her, realizing she had already ruined her initial plan of not getting involved with anyone or anything. Aish. This is harder than I thought.

"No." She replied simply after some thought with an unreadable expression. It's not that she disliked Sunny, she was just used to being alone. There was too many uncertainties in her mind for her to worry about when it comes to meeting new people. Uncertainties about their reactions, giving a good first impression and if they could understand each other and communicate easily.

Sunny bowed her head lower and walked to an empty table not far from her. Taeyeon sighed but resumed eating.

She scanned the cafeteria and looked for Yoona. After scanning the cafeteria for her sister, she decided to text using her sister's old phone:

[Tae] I am at the cafeteria; do you have lunch?

[Yoona] Nope, we, gifted students, don't have lunch until next period. Lucky you.

[Tae] Oh, right. You are gifted. Show off.

[Yoona] I wouldn't be showing off if you worked hard and join me. Your fault for missing deadlines and slept in bed all day. How's your first day? I heard you were late.

[Tae] Annoying, but fun.

[Yoona] Annoying and fun in the same sentence, what happened?

Should I ask her about Jessica? Taeyeon wondered but decided against it. She didn't want her sister to get involved, or her parents will surely kill her if anything happens to Yoona.

[Tae] I already have an exam tomorrow.

[Yoona] What?! How? Why? Didn't you just start class today??? And I thought that was only a thing for gifted students.

[Tae] Calm down, I don't mind it actually.

[Yoona] Ahhh, I don't know where you get your confidence from. I worked my ass off to get into the gifted program. Sometimes, I really wish I could be as carefree as you.

[Tae] Of course, they want everything good for you. I am only carefree because I am adopted.

On the other end, Yoona frowned at her sister's reply, but she knew her sister really didn't mind. They understood each other. However, she can feel Taeyeon is holding something in that she is not sure of.

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