Chapter 32 - Make Love and Jealousy

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Sunny was surprised why Tiffany asked her to come over to her house. If she remembers correctly, Taeyeon pleaded with her to give the night to her and Tiffany alone.

She wanted to ask why, but seeing her friend who appeared more pale than usual, she decided to just spend some time before asking her what happened.

They ended up watching Disney movies, and Sunny noticed how engrossed in the film Tiffany was, and she looked like someone who just woke up from a nightmare.

"Thank you, Sunny." Said Tiffany after the credits started rolling.

"Anytime!" Sunny smiled, and she realized that this was the first time she was at Tiffany's house without Taeyeon being there. "So, do you mind if I ask what happened?"

Tiffany heaved a sigh and didn't really want to go back to the horrific situation. But she relented because she probably owed Sunny an explanation for suddenly calling her out this late.


"Oh my god, you have been through hell, Tiff."  Sunny gasped after hearing Tiffany's story.

"I swear that shorty sometimes doesn't understand me at all. What the heck was she thinking? Pulling some crap like that." Tiffany said grumpily.

Sunny suddenly chuckled because she realized something Tiffany didn't.


"I think that's just her way of showing her love."

"Does her love involve scaring me to death? She is so unthoughtful."

"I mean it can...." Sunny admitted that she would have probably peed her pants if it were her in Tiffany's spot. "But..."

"But what?"

"Have you really not noticed anything particular about the whole setup?"

"What, other than it is creepy as hell? She killed the power and hid god knows where? Only coming out when I am covering under a blanket. Love? More like love to watch me get a heart attack."

"I don't know what scary movies you guys have watched, but I remember her saying her favourite times were watching horror movies with you. She told me that she loved it because, during those times, you would hug her, and she liked you being close, and it made her feel less lonely." Sunny recalled the time when she had a talk with Taeyeon after they had made up.

Tiffany thought about what Sunny said and did remember that one movie. She did say it was one of her favourites because it had a bit of romance in it.

I wouldn't mind haunting you forever. She remembered clearly that's what the shorty had said after. Maybe Taeyeon is more thoughtful than she thought, and a smile was visible on her face. And God was she glad that she had Sunny as her friend, or else she wouldn't know how long it would take her to realize this.

By the look of her expression, Sunny could tell that something clicked inside her. "I think you just need to teach her how to show her affection and how to set the correct expectations next time when she tries to pull something like that."

"I will."

"Mhm. I think you will have some explaining to do tomorrow. I bet Taeyoon, being the way she is, is confused as heck right now."

Tiffany smiled, rolling her eyes, "Haha, I can even imagine the look on her face. You know I just shouted at her that I would never speak to her again, then stormed out."

"Oh no. I think she is going to be super grumpy tonight." Sunny suddenly realized, and the two girls stared at each other with large wide eyes.

"Poor Yoona." The two said almost in unison and laughed.

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