Verse 1

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I was on my way back to my classrooms when I heard a loud scream coming from the far left wing of the third-floor wing. Then followed by another squeal from another person; I cocked my head before turning to my device in my wrists. I gave it a shrug before walking to where the screams and squeals came from.

The scene that I saw the second I passed by the music room confirmed everything that I suspected. I sighed, keeping my hands to my pockets as I watch the girls literally trying to break through the enclosed door of the music room. I could only laugh by myself.

"He's so good with his music, isn't he?" A smile drew over my cheeks, followed by a scoff as I glanced over the girl in ponytails who was standing in front.

Do people who have talents all over get this kind of privilege? I thought. I prepped over, looking over the smurf heads of the students hovering over the room, to the guy who was sitting on the middle of the room, a guitar on his arms. He's got these large-ass headphones over his head.

"Yeah." I shifted back to the group of women giggling over the background. "Plus he's so handsome. Look at that face!" she went on and snapped a few photos of the guy before giggling together once more.

I smiled, sighing. There's nothing much to see after all. I thought at the back of my head, smiling before retreating back going on my way to my own classroom.

In this school, the guy is the special event. So even if there's nothing going on, people take their time to fan over him no matter what time of the day. Even when classes are supposed to start, they still do giggle over one human being. And to think that person doesn't even know they exist is well... sad and funny.

I think the warning bell would ring anytime now. And they're still fawning over the guy inside the room like there's nothing much going on.

And the guy? I think there's just no one in this whole school who doesn't know him.

Vachirawit Chiva-aree, or just call him Bright.

We're in the same grade but we've never been classmates so far. But because he's popular, his name literally echoes around the school – and isn't it normal for the people from the other class to know the names of the guys from the other class? So it's like that. And seriously, because the school literally boosts his popularity, there's literally no one who doesn't know him.

To the point of no return. If you don't know him, you'd probably be living under the rock or something. That's how popular he was. Scoffs.

As for Bright, he has been an honorary member of the Music Club. Everybody treats him as if he's the Adonis of the modern times. They call him names like: 'The Prodigy of the Music Club' and 'The Heartthrob of the Music Club'. His exemplary performance earned him his own fan club and respect from his seniors. He's just another popular guy.

He's just another guy who literally stood out naked in the open when God rained down all those talents and skills, while I was in my bed lazing around or playing with my dog.

And all of a sudden, the commotion stopped and a hiss came off. "Back off bitches, he's mine." I abruptly halted to a stop, turning back and saw a female student, literally shoving her way inside. The sound of the disgusted sigh coming out from the other student's lips echoed out the whole place.

I scoffed, briefly looking at the girl from her head to her shoes. She was literally littered in all kinds of make-up all over – and not only that, I could smell the reek of perfume she was wearing. I know she's trying to look appealing but in reality, she looked more like a clown than a proper lady.

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