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going back home after being in Australia for 5 years was a bit hard for you, having to leave your friends back there made you devestated. though you had to go home, since you didn't have a chance to attend your sisters funeral because of how busy you were.

of course, it made you feel bad. that was your own sisters funeral and you couldn't attend, ever since then you've started to send money to Japan for Seishu. you had to work while studying which made you even more busy, finally after 5 years you could go home.

"nee-san" seishu smiled, giving you a hug

"seishu, I missed you" you quickly returned the hug, swaying from left to right because of how much you missed him

"so, let's visit akane's grave after we go home hm?" you hummed, smiling sadly. seishu only nodded, grabbing some of your stuff so he could place it in the car.

once the both of you got in the car, it drove away from the airport heading to your address.

"why are you staring at me? you missed me that much?" you laughed lightly, looking at Seishu

"it's nothing, its just that you look a lot like
akane-nee-san, I miss her too" you sigh, making him lean on your shoulder

"of course I look like her, she is my twin sister after all. and, I miss her too" you patted his head

after reaching the house, you unpacked your stuff and went to the room you used to stay in.

'nothing changed at all' you sigh, laying down on your bed

"nee-san , I'm going to the conviniece store nearby. I'll just buy something" he knocked before opening the door, informing you about his leave

"alright, buy me some milk too" you handed him some money before going to the couch near the TV, waiting for him to come back

when you heard him leave, you opened the TV to entertain yourself, soon hearing the doorbell go off. confused, you stood up and looked through the peephole

"now, who is this young man" you whispered to yourself, seeing a boy with black hair and snake like eyes that was captivating, he looked around the age of seishu

you opened the front door, asking the young man

"who are you?" his gaze went to you, eyes widening and going a bit pale. he looked like he saw a ghost--

"... are you alright? you look a bit pale"


"are you alright? you look a bit pale" the girl said, she looked exactly like akane-san. was she alive all this time? what's happening, is she really here?

"a.. akane-san?" I let out under my breath, but I was sure that she heard it

"ah, I'm not akane I'm her sister (y/n), I'm sorry to dissapoint. were you close with her?" I felt my heart drop, of course that wasn't her-- I gulped, before hesitantly speaking

"you could say that...and, I'm here for inui- or seishu, is he here?" I looked everywhere but her, I couldn't keep my eyes on her. she looked exactly like akane-san, why haven't I seen her before?


"seishu isn't here at the moment, I'll message him please wait for a second- come inside" weird, why isn't he looking at me? Is there something on my face? I'll check later

you moved to the side so he could come in, he took off his shoes and whispered "Sorry for the intrusion". he sat on the sofa while you followed him, standing behind him when he sat down

¬Seishu, your friend is here

"what's your name?" you asked, looking down at him--starling him, he cleared his throat and answered

"kokonoi hajime" he kept his voice low, assuming that he was a shy kid you didn't question it

¬Seishu, your friend is here. Kokonoi is his name

you sent the text, then waited for Seishu to come back. deciding not to initiate a conversation since kokonoi might feel uncomfortable speaking.

you soon heard the door being opened quickly, revealing seishu

"I'm home" seishu glanced at kokonoi, immediately knowing what was on his mind from his expression and you being there.

"welcome back, I'll leave you two alone" you waved your hand and went into your room, completely forgetting about the milk that you told seishu to buy.


"inui...why didn't I see her before?" koko asked, looking at Inui.

"she was away from abroad the time the hree of us met, she also couldn't attend the funeral because of it. she just recently went back here" inui answered the question, sighing

"so what do you need from me?" inui now asked, but kokonoi kept silent for a few seconds. as if he forgot what he came there for.

"I completely forgot about it" kokonoi chuckled, before standing up. deciding to leave already.

"I'll go ahead" kokonoi waved his hand as a goodbye, also doing that infamous habit of him sticking his tongue out, quickly leaving the residence.

"I wonder what will happen" seishu muttered, concerned for his sister- frowning since he had an idea. 'It's better if they don't meet again, but I'm sure that's not possible' he thought, sighing in the process.

words : 876

this story was inspired by a video I saw on tiktok, I only added some things to make this story interesting perhaps.

this is also my first fanfiction so I apologize for grammar errors or spelling errors ahead, since english is not my first language.

unseen tattoo | kokonoi hajimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang