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"inui-san, I would like for you to come with me with the partnership meeting. is it fine for you?" after knocking at your office door, kisaki went right in and asked the question

"may I ask why?" you were confused, you were just a manager and not his assistant

"well , I still don't have an assistant till now and you are the one closest to that role. your pay will be higher since it means more work, but if you don't want to it's understandable" you thought for a second, more work means more money, and you work here for the high pay. if you agree, your pay will be higher

thinking about it for a few seconds, you agreed.

"alright, when will the meeting start kisaki-san?" kisaki smiled, glad that you agreed with his offer

"it's actually about fifteen minutes from now, sorry to inform you too late. I'll be waiting for you at the meeting room" kisaki once again smiled and went out of the room, you quickly arranged the documents that you were taking care of before going out to the meeting room

kisaki waved his hand at you before opening the door, following him in you saw six more people in the room. bowing at them to show respect, locking eyes with a familiar black haired man. you were obviously shocked to see kokonoi in the meeting room, not knowing that he was already working

keeping a straight face you sat at one of the vacant chairs, while kisaki signaled for the girl in front to present her work. while the presenter kept explaining, you were listening intently, deciding to just ask kokonoi all of your questions later. your expressions kept changing while listening, noticing that a lot of things were lacking with her report.

"I think that our companies should continue the planned partnership so our company will grow and have a lot more money for renovation and other important things that we should focus on, it's better if our companies collaborate so we could have less cases" she ends her presentation, bothered you kept a serious expression

"inui-san, what do you think about it?" kisaki suddenly asked you, probably noticing all of the lacking things as well

"I say, what does our company have in this? you only kept mentioning your company but not ours, why should we accept this partnership if we don't recieve anything in it?" you kept your gaze on the presenter

"your powerpoint also doesn't have enough information that we need to know, can you please explain more?" you lifted an eyebrow, waiting for her response. seeing her fidget and look around gave you the answer that she didn't know what to say next, which obviously dissapointed you.

"can someone else present instead? I'm sure we all agree that what she presented isn't enough" kisaki spoke up after a few minutes of silence, the previous presenter moved to the side, disconnecting her powerpoint from the projector.

kokonoi stood up, taking her place connecting his own powerpoint. just from the title you can already tell that his was going to be more detailed. he started his presentation, you once again listened intently staring at his powerpoint to have more information about what he's talking about.

"and with that, I think that if our companies work together we can help with helping it grow, of course we can also help each other with cases that we find difficult. both of our companies reputation will improve if we win more trials especially if they find out that blue sky and bonten will have a partnership" after he finished, he bowed before going back to his seat and disconnecting his powerpoint

everyone present in the room knows that he obviously did better than the previous presenter. instead of asking for your opinion again, kisaki spoke instead

"impressive, you definitely piqued my interest. I accept the partnership" being one of the employees with the highest position, kisaki was the one who attends the meetings when the ceo isn't available. you could say meeting him was lucky, if you do your job well you might get a raise.

after a few exchanged words, the meeting finally ended. surprisingly the meeting took a lot of time seeing that it was already time for you to go home

"kisaki-san, I realized that I didn't have the chance to thank you for the offer. thank you so much for the offer, I promise to do my best" you bowed for a few seconds, before standing straight again

"it's nothing, im glad you'd do your best" he smiled at you before patting your shoulder, "I'd basically do anything for you" he whispered to himself, which made you look at him in confusion

"did you say something, kisaki-san?" you asked, you couldn't quite hear it but you were sure he whispered something

"don't mind it, you should go home" he bid you goodbye, before walking away. you stood there for a few seconds before shrugging, going back to your office to grab your things.

going out of the building you once again saw kokonoi, he waved at you while giving you a small grin. which made you smile back at him

"you didn't tell me you're already working" you mentioned, walking closer to him

"you didn't ask, and I wanted to surprise you anyways. let's go?" you nodded, following kokonoi to his car. you didn't bring your car for today since you knew that he was going to come by again.


upon meeting her, seeing her smile, he captivating eyes, and her kind words it felt like she was my soulmate. love at first sight, that's what exactly happened. I haven't seen her tattoo yet but I'm sure about it.

yet she's there with kokonoi, she's smiling at him brighter than she smiled with me. it's annoying, seeing her being happy with someone else is annoying. but no need to worry, I'll make sure that she'll be mine. if she isn't, then no one can have her. I'll do anything to get what I want.


"still, I knew about seishu owning a shop with a friend of his but I really can't believe that you're also already working" you chuckled, looking at the scenery that passes by

"like I said earlier, you didn't ask. and do I really look like I don't work? I may have done some bad things in the past but I've changed" kokonoi laughed, amused by how shocked you were about him working

"it does explain that you have so much money" you shook your head before sighing

"we're here" kokonoi only smiled at you, finding you adorable

walking towards your house, you faced kokonoi to say goodbye

"thanks for the ride kokonoi-san, I enjoyed talking with you again. drive safe, goodnight" you smiled at him, waving your hand

"it's my pleasure, m'lady" he bowed as a joke, which made you laugh a bit. you went closer to him again before patting his head

"how respectful you are, anyways. you should really go, it's getting late" you once again waved goodbye before walking inside your house.

kokonoi quickly went back to his car, sitting there for a few seconds before touching the place where you patted his head. he smiled unconsciously, your head pat made his mood a lot more better, driving away from your place he kept a smile on his face.

words : 1242

i won't be updating during weekends, so I apologize if I hadn't mention it sooner

unseen tattoo | kokonoi hajimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon