Chapter 8 ; What if?

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Tears stung at the corners of my eyes as I took in my situation. I was drunk, lost, and my cell phone battery was dead. As the wind started to pick up, I could feel goosebumps rising on my legs and arms. I tightened the jacket that encircled me, wrapping myself in its warmth. I took a deep breath to steady my heart, but instead, I inhaled the scent of...Darius. I whipped my head around, half-hoping he was behind me, on his knees, waiting to sweep me off my feet and beg for my forgiveness. But no one was there. Confused, I rose to balance on my knees and looked around. Finding nothing, I sank back down to the floor, tightening the jacket around me again, as the cold bit into me. The jacket. I rose the soft cloth to my face and inhaled; yes, it was Darius'. I hastily ripped the jacket off of my body and threw it. Suddenly tears flooded my eyes and started to pour down my face. I didn't know why I was crying, but soon, I was sobbing. I could hear myself audibly choking on my own tears, letting my hands fall over my face, ashamed. Thomas was right; Darius was evil. He was cold-blooded and heartless and I couldn't believe he was cheating on me at the party came with him to. He was probably with that bimbo because she did the things with him that I wouldn't because of my self-respect. And to think I wanted to lose my virginty to him? Everything was blurry because of my tears and the cold was starting to become unbearable, and that's what I realized I had to do. I had to die. It was simple and peaceful, and only logical. No one was coming to get me, the only person I had at that party was Darius, and he was too busy getting hot and heavy with some blonde bimbo. I wanted to be with my father again, to be able to see him, embrace him, laugh with him: just to be with him. I knew that being with him would save me from pain, and death seemed so calm and welcoming. I decided that eventually the cold would kill me if I didn't wear clothes, so I slipped out of my dress, and lied it near the jacket. Then I lied down, letting all my worries drift away, and thinking about what I would say to my father when I saw him again.

"Kat..Kat, can you hear me?" 

The voice was calming and warm, at first I thought it was my father, reaching out to me. Had I made it? I opened my eyes, but all I saw were blinding streams of light. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't feel the rest of my body. I tried to scream but my throat felt constricted and tight. I started to panic, mentally listing the things that could be wrong with me. Alcohol poisoning? Was I already dead? Or maybe they thought I was dead, and were going to bury me in the ground alive? At this I screamed, and sound actually came up this time. I shot straight up, sitting upright. I heard a car door slam and someone rushed over to me. 

"Kathy!" I heard someone call as they ran. 

"Darius?" I called, blinking rapidly to adjust my eyes to my surroundings. I looked up and saw...Ollie. I breathed a sigh that was half filled with disappointment and half filled with relief. His voice hardened as he said, "Actually he happens to be in the hospital right now." I felt his strong, warm arms around me as he lifted me up and towards his car. I felt moisture on my skin, and peered down at my body. Crap! I wasn't wearing except for my bra and underwear. I felt my cheeks become flushed as my embarrassment grew. No wonder I was so cold...when did I take my dress off? I tried to recall the events after the party when my attention was directed elsewhere. Ollie had been carrying me across the front of his car, when the headlights flashed over me and across Oliver's face. I looked up at him, and couldn't help but gasp. His chiseled face shone in the brightness of the headlights, rain drops falling all around him, his perfectly tousled hair dripping with water, his lips so pink and...we were out of the beams and I could no longer see his face so clearly. I'd never noticed how...gorgeous Ollie was. I kept my eyes on Ollie's gaze, watching to see if he would take advantage of my almost naked body, but he never looked. In fact, his eyesight looked strained, as if he was trying so deliberately averting his gaze. He set me down in the passenger seat, and helped me slip on a sweatshirt. "Christ," he grunted, gently forcing my arms through the sleeves, "What the fuck did he give you to drink? Your eyes are all red. How long have you been out here? You feel so cold! Your lips are fucking purple Kathy..Christ what a jackass." He mumbled on and on until the sweatshirt was properly on. I kept my gaze on his face, which got more and more beautiful by the second. He stole a glance at my bare legs, and then met my gaze, his cheeks getting red as he realized I had been watching him the whole time.  

As he hastily rushed over to the trunk, I managed to squeal, "" Confused by his angry words before, I watched as he slammed the trunk shut and raced over to the driver's seat. Shaking off raindrops and starting up the car he turned his face towards me and began to recollect his story. I heard how he saw me rushing down the street, and as he started after me, he tripped over a half naked Darius and a girl he knew named Cheyenne. Realizing what had happened, he proceeded to once again, beat the living crap out of him. I smiled softly at this, realizing Ollie was sort of Prince Charming. Intently, I listened as he told me how he hopped in his truck and had been searching around the neighborhood for me for an hour, when he finally found me freezing cold. He gazed at me, brown eyes pleading, "I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier. I..I tried to find you and I'm so sorry..." He took one last look at me, and turned back towards the road. "As for that jackass Darius, I hope he rots in hell," I watched as his grip on the steering became so tight that his knuckles turned white. "That son of a -" He never was able to finish his sentence. At that moment, a spontaneous switch in my brain kicked on, and with all my feeble might, I mustered up enough power to hold his face in my hands and kiss him. The car stopped with a jerk. His lips were warm and soft, and I felt as if I would melt. I kissed him harder and harder, running my fingers through his hair. I felt his lips moving, kissing me back. His arm wrapped around me and brought me closer to his body, and I could have sworn something was building in our kiss. The spark. I felt the spark forming, making my stomach drop with excitement. This was the kiss I needed. My whole body was filled with utter glee, but suddenly the power was gone. Confused, I opened my eyes and saw I was kissing air. Ollie had pulled away, sitting as far away as possible in his seat as he could.  

"Ollie," I whispered, hungering for his kiss. "I-"

"Stop Kat," he said in a voice I didn't recognize, "You're drunk."

I retracted, flabbergasted. "No, I am not." It didn't help that my words were slurred.

"Yes, you are. Now please, we have to go to the hospital."


Ollie jumped at the heightened sound of my voice, giving me a odd stare, which faded into comforting eyes.



I let the words hang there, suspended and echoing through my mind. Tears sprang to my eyes, but this time, I just let them fall. They tricked down my face, tickling my cheeks as I kept my eyes on Ollie. He stole a glance, running his fingers through his hair nervously. Then he pulled over the car, and turned to face me. I wanted with every bit of my willpower to turn and face out the window, but I was mesmerized. I took in all the beautiful aspects of his face as he lay a gentle finger on my face, swiping away my tears. Taking me in his arms, he held me softly, whispering.

"We don't have to go to the hospital ok? I know it's tough. I don't really feel your pain, but I know. I can't even imagine losing one of my's too devastating. You will never lose me though. I doubt that's any consolation but I want you to know this Kathy, I want you to know you always have me, till the end."

He paused a bit like he wanted to say more, but that was enough for me weep into his chest, as he stroked my hair. I turned my face to meet his and said, 'Kiss me." He looked me in the eye, as if he almost dared to, but then he gave me a quick squeeze, and returned to his seat. I looked at him sadly and whispered, "Why don't you want to kiss me? Am I ugly?" The tears came stronger now, but I didn't want to face him with these tears of humility, so I just covered my face with my hands. 

He cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Kathy, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You are gorgeous, smart, sweet; overall perfect. I don't want to kiss you because anything you do tonight is against your better judgement, you can't control what you do. I don't want things to get out of hand and I don't want to take advantage of you. I..respect you too much to do that."

Taking hold of my hand, he looked me in the eyes, his jade and shimmering, and so forcefully passionate that I couldn't tear my eyes away. He spoke uneasily, "I-I love you. I always have." 

“I love you too, Ollie.”

I held his hand in mine, and told myself to never let go. And not just of his hand, but of him. I wanted him forever. 

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