Chapter 9 ; Where are you?

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In the morning, I woke up with two things:

1. A really nasty hangover.

2. The fact that I may or may not have ruined my friendship with Ollie.

Crap. I can't believe I've messed the friendship that impacts my life the most so badly that I'm not even sure if I can face him anymore. I know I'll have to talk to him eventually, but right now, I feel so vulnerable. So, so vulnerable. I feel like slowly, I'm fading farther and farther away, so pale and cold. I can't even take it anymore. The worst part is, I miss Darius. I feel like his voice will help my color return, will keep me from fading. But at the same time, I'd rather fade away then to see him again. 

Sunday morning Ollie comes to my door. My mom tells him I'm asleep, upon my request, and he leaves. I watch him through the window though, watching as he ran his fingers through his hair..the same fingers I held intertwined with mine...What have I done? 

Sunday evening the home phone rings. I let the voicemail take it, as I'm preparing food for myself and I'm home alone because Mom went to work. I listen to Mr. Mason's voice stream through the phone, so filled with sadness and anger, and any other emotion that reflects infliction of hurt and pain, all welled up together in an emotional outburst. "My-my boy," My hands froze. "He's gone. I think he's ran away, but no one is sure. I-I know that I never call you Linda, but please help." The line cut. I knew this message was directed for my mother, but I didn't care. One word flashed in my head:


I have never ran faster in my entire life. I couldn't even feel my legs hit the sidewalk because of how fast I was running. The only thing I was aware of was the millions of questions bouncing around in my head. What had happened? Where was he? Was he alive? Would I ever see him again? This only motivated me to run faster, faster and faster I went.

I didn't realize I had been crying until I finally made it to the Mason house, doubled over in loss of breath, the tears streaming down my face. Police cars were parked in the driveway, and in the cold air of the night, all I could see was the flashing lights of the cars, blurry and bright in my teary eyes. I pushed through the crowd of people who has gathered around the edge of the driveway, finally making my way to a equally teary-eyed Mr. Mason, sitting with his head in his hands. "James," I breathed. He looked up, and I almost gasped because of how ghastly he looked. His eyes were bloodshot, his skin was pale, and he looked so very weak. Weak, until he recognized my face, and his face was overtaken with anger. Standing, he started to scream knocking people and things out of his way until he was inches from my face. "YOU! HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE AT THIS HOUSE?" Confused, but scared out of my mind, I stared him blankly in the face, tears racing down my cheeks. "YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN! YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN! YOU MADE HIM SO SAD! YOU BETRAYED HIM!" That was the last thing I heard him say as policemen dragged him away, into the house. I sank to my knees, wrapping my arms around myself because I felt as if I would fall apart into pieces if I didn't hold myself together. I became more and more aware of eyes glaring at me so hard that I could almost feel the back of my head burning. When I heard "Kathy!", I jolted upright and started to run. I didn't know who called me, but they sounded familiar enough, and I heard footsteps getting closer, so I panicked. I couldn't see straight, with too many things running through my head and my eyes drowned in tears, so I ran again, towards the backyard of the house, but not before I collided into something in the darkness. No, wait, someone. I felt their arms wrap around me, and instantly I realized who it was. That scent, the warmth, the safety. 


I held him as tight as I could, but suddenly recoiled realizing I should hate him. Wait, even more confusing then that, if he was here, why was Mr. Mason so upset about him being gone? Darius said it as soon as it connected in my mind.

"Thomas is gone." 

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