Chapter 34 - Valentine's Day

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Rebel's POV:

Valentine's Day was tomorrow and everyone in the choir room was excited. Mr. Shue set up the whole choir room in a Valentine's Day Theme. Red streamers, hearts all around the room, a Cupid on the wall and many more things related to love.

All the couples in the room were doing different things with each other. Finn was teaching Rachel how to play the drums, Kurt and Blaine were playing the piano together, Mike and Tina were taking selfie's of each other and Santana and Brittany where standing up and holding each other while talking.

All the single gals and girls like Sam, Artie, Sugar, Rory and Puck are just sitting in chairs with their arms folded. I know how they feel. I used to hate being single on Valentine's Day. Well, never again.

Mercedes has a boyfriend but it's not in glee club so she's not really doing anything either. Me and Quinn were feeding each other some Valentine's Day candy.

"Thanks babe." Quinn says with a smile as I put a heart shaped Starburst in her mouth.

"Your welcome babygirl." I reply with a smile as I suck on a heart shaped blue raspberry Jolly Rancher.

"Hey baby, I wanted to ask you, do you want to join the God Squad? It's a group of us who love and believe in god and we get together and sing songs. It's like a mini glee club but we don't do competitions." Quinn informs me with a smile and I put on a nervous look.

"Um, I don't know baby." I say while looking down at my feet nervously and I shake my head.

"Why not babes? What's wrong?" Quinn asked me in a confused voice while placing her middle finger and her pointer finger under my chin. She lifts up my chin so I'm looking at her.

"Because, if god is so great, and he does so much good for people, why did he allow me, Sam and my mom to get hurt? What was the purpose of that? I'm not saying that I don't believe in god, it's just that he's let me down so much, that I've stopped wondering if he has good plans for me." I reply to her with a shrug and I shake my head again in disappointment.

"Oh my gosh baby. I'm so sorry, I had no idea you felt like that. I understand why you might not believe in God, but let me tell you this." Quinn began with looking at me with a smile and I nod for her to continue.

"God only puts you through struggles to get you to success. The struggles he put you through was insane and you didn't deserve it, but there's a saying, 'Your struggles do not define you, but they shape the person you become when you face them and overcome - Unknown'. I'm not saying you have to join the God Squad, but think about it. Okay?" Quinn tells me with a small smile and she leans in and kisses me softly and smoothly.

A/N: I couldn't find the person who wrote that quote so if you know who wrote it, please tell me so I can credit them.

"Okay, I'll think about it babe. Thank you for that." I smile brightly at her and I nod my head. Quinn smiles back and she lifts her hand up and cups my cheek.

"No problem love." Quinn replies and she gently rubs my cheek while we look at each other with love in our eyes.

"Okay, everybody, let hear it for love!" Mr. Shue shouted as he enters the classroom and he walks over to the white board that said 'World's Greatest Songs'. We all loudly clap and cheer as we face him. "Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $350 for costumes and hair spray." Mr. Shue states and my eyes widen because why is it so much.

"Oh god, not another bake sale." Kurt groans out from the piano and Blaine rubs his back comfortingly. "If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these World's Greatest Love Song's to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..." Mr. Shue tried to say but once he said serenade each classroom, we already knew what he was talking about so we cut him off with a groan.

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