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y/n stood at her front door, "thanks for the ride."

kenma responded by nodding until he remembered something. "you aren't going to invite me in?"

"no, why would i?" y/n raised an eyebrow.

"yah! you idiot! where were you?" all of a sudden ririka jumped out of the front door and attacked her sister in hugs, leaving a struggling y/n and an awkward kenma.

"i was just out and about— it's not even that late." y/n kissed ririka's forehead, "now go back inside, i'll be in there in a minute." she shooed the younger sibling away and ririka obeyed.

"now what we're we talking about?" y/n sighed.

"oh nothing.. you just said you were going to let me spend the night, remember?" kenma said with a slight smile but unfortunately, y/n wasn't stupid.. well most of the time.

"hmm.. i don't think i recall saying that." she teased before walking inside her house, leaving kenma standing outside.

once she was in she didn't close the door though. "well aren't you going to come in?"

"pffft. of course i am. why would i leave you here without your knight and shining armor kuroo?"

"get in here before i change my mind, fuckface." y/n then closed the door in his face.

kenma sighed and paused for a minute before raising his hand to the door handle and turning the knob.

11:52 P.M.

"i know you came in here to tell me something, what is it?" y/n questioned after opening her bathroom door only to be met with kenma.

"i need to see something." she was going to respond but he continued talking. "i need to confirm how i feel. please don't hate me after doing this."

in all honesty, kenma wasn't sure if he should do what he was about to do or not, but he couldn't resist. he needed to understand why he felt subtle butterflies in his stomach when y/n would do the smallest things, or why he couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her when she would make eye contact with him and do that little thing with her lips.  he wasn't very good at accepting or expressing feelings.

the only answer kenma had to any of his questions right now was that he now knew why he was so bothered by her and kuroo sleeping together, and it had nothing to do with the video they sent. it was the fact that it was y/n with kuroo. it was the thought that they could possibly be doing that for many more years to come if it he wouldn't make his feelings for her more obvious soon.

and kenma wouldn't be able to stand himself if that was the outcome.

shortly after, they found themselves leaning into each other, closing the gap that remained. it might sound silly, but at first, the only thing y/n was thinking about was 'thank god ririka was already asleep or else she would not let me live this down.'

the way she was tangling her hands into his hair was driving kenma crazy and the fact that she had just gotten out of the shower with only a robe on was not helping.

while pushing her towards the wall, his lips found their way to y/n's neck. at the same time she asked, "did you—find your answer?"

kenma knew she didn't mean for it to come out that way or maybe he was just really horny at this point, but her tone of voice was appealing. too appealing for him to handle.

she gripped his hair tighter as he began to bite in between sucking on her neck. "i've definitely found my answer and you, y/n, are hot as shit."

she managed to giggled at his answer. "i'm glad t-the feelings are mutual." y/n then pulled his face back up to hers, but not reconnecting their lips.

"i really hope that's not all you have to say though. especially after what just happened." she almost frowned.

"of course not. y/n what i'm saying is that i fucking like you. i didn't think that we still had to do these kind of confessions as adults. aren't we supposed to just pick up on the hints?"

"well.. i'm sorry, but i don't feel the same way."

kenma could've sworn he heard his heart shatter a bit. "but you just said that the feelings were mutual?" he was more than confused.

"i agreed that i found you hot too, but i don't see us ever getting together. i'm sorry ken."

it was silent.

there was no way y/n didn't feel the same way. after everything they've been through, they still found their way back to each other. if that's not fate, then what is? kenma asked in his head.

and he was right. there was no way she didn't like him back.

"you thought i was being serious?" y/n bursted out laughing. kenma rolled his eyes.

"ha. ha. so funny dickhead. i'm laughing so hard right now, can you tell?" kenma deadpanned.

y/n hugged him, hoping to cheer the male up a bit. "maybe it wasn't funny, but yeah. i feel the same way."

"does this mean we're together now?"

"definitely not. before we get together, there's stuff both of us need to work on." she pulled away from the hug and held out her pinky.

"how about we stay friends until we become better people? i think we both can agree that the way we handle our emotions isn't the healthiest way and i really wouldn't want our relationship to get toxic." she paused. "because, uhm. our friendship was kind of, y'know— it wasn't the best, okay?"

kenma nodded. he really didn't want to wait and he hated the fact that y/n said his way of coping with his emotions was unhealthy. (which proved her point he later realized.)

"so let's not forget about our feelings until then, okay? also, you're going to have to ask me out first. pinky promise?"

he intertwined his pinky with hers. "pinky promise."

hi long time no see
this was a pretty long chapter
compared to my other ones tbh
i hope you guys enjoyed reading :)

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