Short Authors NOTE!!!!

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Hey guys its me Alexandra and Ummm... lets start the note

I started puting all these weird names like YouSee Penguin Restaurant etc.... and they are all fake you cant find them I am doing this why?? because I wanted to be original like I didnt want to put Facebook snapchat and twitter yeah those things. I think theyu woudnt really simplify my story

The book is ending really short because season 3 is airing on monday and I wanted to make this book finish you see I was planning to finish like a 50 chapter book but I couldnt I mean it wouldnt really make sence if I put season 3 if it already came out...... Like BRUHHH!!!!!... 

SO it is going to end at chapter............. so this will finsih any moment and I am really happy that some of you like the book and I love you guys all!!!!  so this book will end soon!!!!!!

Guys also there will be a movie book coming soon........... this movie will be great it will be atleast 20chaps @@@! TNS wont do it so this will be amzing and I chose the title because it is season 3 and movie in reapir means the movie book is coming out!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Thanks For Reading!!!!!

Sincearly EmilyAlexandra

Signing Off xoxoxoxox

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