Chapter 12 New Threat

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Narrator's point of view

We see Izuku and Nao walking to the observation room and walk in to see everyone waiting, Izumi, Katsumi, Momo and Kyoka walk up to Izuku and Kiss him making 7 girls Jealous and the Guys look at Izuku like he is a God until All Might Spoke up

AM: Good Work Young Izuku and Young Tomori, Now who was the NVP in this Match

Uraraka: It was Izuku right

Tsuyu: It has to be

Izuku: Actually it is both me and Nao

Mina: How

Izuku: First Nao Trusted me even though she doesn't know me to make a plan, second I trusted her to find the bomb and to let me know when she found it, third she Found the Bomb but didn't Touch it without asking what she should do in which she Trusted me to deal with Bakugou and Todoroki until I said so, Yes she could have won right away but Bakugou and Todoroki with their Hatred to me if they lost right away they would have destroy the building in rage so I had to Tired them out and Nao Trusted me to do that

AM: Well said Young Izuku, you see students like I said at the Beginning Villains will do anything to get away or take down the Heros so we must out smart them in anyway we can

Izuku: It is also Important for us to learn how to read the villain right All Might

AM: That is Correct Young Izuku can anyone know why a Hero should read the Villain

Katsumi: Because Reading a villains movement or words even facial expressions can tell you what type a villain you are dealing with

Izumi: For explain Bakugou and Todoroki their Movement are those of Power houses meaning they try to end a Fight fast by doing powerful attacks not caring about others safety and

Momo: Their attitudes Make them think they can't lose which is show by their face when you look at them you see them smirk meaning they don't have a plan because they will just try and over power you

Katsumi: But lets say Uncle Shota or for you guys Mr. Aizawa is a villain he shows no facial expression so you don't know what he is planning

Izuku: Uncle Shota might look weak but If you don't read the villain you will lose, for example Uncle Shota's quirk is Erase meaning he can erase your quirk if it is not a Mutation quirk which a lot of Heros don't have well at least High ranking Heros expect a few, anyway if you go against him with out reading his movements or Face

Izumi: You will lose because you will think you can win by over powering but when he erases your quirk you will panic since you all relay on your quirk and have no Hand to Hand combat and that is because you didn't Read your opponents or Room

The Class was in Awe that these 3 along with Momo gave a good reason why you need to learn to read your opponents and understand what can happen

AM: Well Said and Izumi you said They Relay on their quirks to much can you please explain more

Izumi: Sure You see since quirks came to be Humans started to think the more powerful the Quirk the Better you are, but that is not true

Izuku: Take David and Goliath before quirks where a thing, Goliath was a Big Strong Man that everyone couldn't beat because they thought he was to strong and so did he but when David went against him he out smart Goliath with his speed and using a Rock with a slingshot to kill him

Katsumi: Meaning even someone with so much power can be taking down by someone people think are ants, and with Quirks its the same We Think Quirks are everything but they are not

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