Nightmarish perfection

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As Wilbur's head was facing the moon, the rain stopped.

Wilbur opened his eyes. The little, fragile stars have disappeared. The moon put back on her thick coat of clouds. Everything went dark again.
The requiem turned upside down.

The branches of the trees turned into arms and hands. Their leaves into claws. The red blood flowers into eyes watching him everywhere he go. The wind turned into a long, suffering, suffocating scream.

The world around him was unrecognisable. From a fantasy it turned into a perfect nightmare.

This nightmare was so perfect he became jealous. He was so jealous, he wanted everything to be this perfect.

He don't really know why the feelings of insecurity, being watch, scared, and being alone, fascinates him.

He want everyone to feel the same way as him at this moment. This is so perfect, it's everything he wanted.

From far distance, he could hear a thunderstorm coming. Moon's clouds coat turned from white to a dark grey. The thunderstorm is coming, closer, and closer.

The thunderstorm isn't coming alone, it comes with a violent rain. The wind is also becoming more violent, it's so violent Wilbur could fell but he didn't.

While waiting for this storm to come, Wilbur raised his head once again to face the moon, smile like a mad man would smile, opened his arms to welcome the chaos.

He can feel the rain now. The rain is so powerful every raindrops are like little arrows.

The thunderstorm is here. Wilbur could see the sky blow up, the sky was tear down by rivers of electricity.

The thunder was striking near him. One of them stroked just next to him, fire was burning.

The flames became bigger, they were burning down, turning into ashes everything on their way. Wilbur couldn't stop watching them.

The flames were so high it felt like they were trying to hug the clouds and trying to eat the moon.

While being trapped between the violence of the wind, the rain, the thunderstorm, and the veracity of the fire; how beautiful it was.

So much chaos in one place is so beautiful. Like a beautiful and chaotic symphony playing in front of him; he couldn't stop feeling happy, even proud to be here.

The flames were encircling Wilbur. He was trapped inside a circle of fire but yet he didn't felt scared at all. He closed slowly his eyes to savor the moment.

He started a waltz with the flames. Wilbur was dancing along with this perfect nightmare, embracing the violence and the chaos like he would with someone he loved.

The fire wasn't burning him, it was like a curtain of cold water. Wilbur was gracefully dancing with danger.

He kept dancing like that until the thunderstorm and the flames were gone. He was disappointed it ended this fast, even if he's s dance with the chaos lasted for hours.

Wilbur felt like there was a void inside of him now it ended. He felt so happy at that moment. With deception he started to walk towards Pogtopia.

While walking between the trees of the forest, an idea went through his mind:

What if he could make it happen again? What if he could feel that happy again? What if he could make it even bigger? What if he make it with a place he got exiled from?

What if, this time. He dies with it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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