Chapter 1

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Louis’ Point Of View

As soon as I was done with the police I was heading to the hospital. I was absolutely mortified by what had just happened. I knew it was an accident and she had walked out on to the street but who wouldn’t feel horribly guilty for knocking someone over with their car. I pulled in to the car park at the hospital and head to the door pulling out my phone to called Simon; he was going to kill me for this. And the people that witnessed the accident had photos and videos. It was probably all over the news by now.

And it was, just as I was scrolling through my phone book to find Simon’s number his name popped up on the screen, he was calling me. “Simon,”

“Louis what the hell is going on? I’ve just had multiple calls asking me for my opinion on the car accident you’ve just had!” He shouts from the other end. I bite my tongue to refrain from my sarcastic remark.

“She ran on to the street Simon,” I told him slowly. “She’s not hurt badly but she’s at the hospital now and -.” I was about to explain that I was there to make sure she was alright but he cut me off.

“You hit someone with your car? Louis what the hell is wrong with you? This is going to be all over the tabloids!” Saying that Simon was angry was an understatement, he was furious.

“I didn’t hit her on purpose; I was just about to tell you that I’m at the hospital now.” I mutter with an annoyed tone. If my day got any worse I might do something drastic.

“Of course you didn’t hit her on purpose. Did she know it was you driving the car? I’ve told you and Harry to get your windows tainted! Was she suicidal? Christ Louis how do you expect me to get you out of this one?” Simon fired questions at me but didn’t give me time to answer. “How bad are her injuries? She’s not dead is she? Christ! Are you alright? Stay out of sight!”

My blood boiled, Simon wouldn’t give me a chance to explain. I knew why she stepped out on to the road; it was because of that idiot boyfriend of hers, Thom. “Simon will you shut your trap for two minutes and let me explain? I know this is bad but I don’t care, I want to make sure she’s alright!” I paused for a moment and Simon didn’t say anything else. “Her name is Imogen. I’m not sure how old she is but she ran out of her flat, I think her boyfriend cheated on her or something. When she woke up she started screaming at him.” I was very aware that a car with three paparazzi had just pulled up outside the emergency room so I briskly walked in to the hospital knowing that they wouldn’t be allowed to follow me. “I don’t think her injuries are severe, she was able to walk to the ambulance and she spoke to the police before she was taken to the hospital. I don’t expect you to get me out of anything, I’m stressing to you Simon, this was an accident and I can handle it. Tell the media whatever you like,” I mutter and hang up before he can scold me for yelling at him like that.

As I approached the information desk and asked for the girl who was just carted in they directed me in the right direction and I had to wait in a private waiting room. Simon had been in touch with the hospital to make sure that she was looked after. I guess the last thing we or Simon needed right now was a million dollar lawsuit.

Imogen’s Point of View

I dozed off in the ambulance; the paramedic had bandaged my head and had told me that I may have some broken or bruised ribs. I honestly didn’t care, the pain was nothing compared to how I felt about what happened with Thom and Jen. He had her pushed up against the door of our flat and his hands were all over her. Every time I closed my eyes that was all I saw, it’s beyond me how I actually fell asleep.

I woke up when I was transferred from the ambulance gurney to the hospital bed. I groaned loudly as I realised that head had started pounding. “Miss can you tell me your name?” An older looking man with slicked back brown hair and grey eyes asked me. He was wearing thick black rimmed glasses and a white coat, he must be the doctor.

“My name is Imogen Acland.” I told the doctor softly. My head was pounding and I was upset, I would have been perfectly happy if the car that hit me had knocked me out for a little longer.

“Do you know why you’re here Imogen?”

“I got hit by a car,” I said. “By Louis Tomlinson,” I added. I wonder if I’ll ever get to meet him. Maybe he’ll come and apologise for running me over. Although it was sort of my fault, I practically ran in to his car.

The doctor did his thing and patched up the back of my head, he looked at my ribs and decided that I they were bruised badly but not fractured. “We’ll keep you in overnight and make sure you’re not concussed.” He told me and walked out of the room.

“Hey,” A voice I didn’t know entered the room I was in, which was lovely by the way. I had a room all to myself and it was quite spacious. The walls were a light green; I had my own bathroom and a phone and flat screen television. I looked up and was surprised to see none other than Louis Tomlinson.

“Oh hello,” I managed to smile at him.

“Are you alright? You’re not going to die are you?” He seemed worried, his handsome face was pale and he was biting his lip, which was incredibly sexy. If I had to get by a car by someone I was glad that it was Louis.

“I’m fine, I have a sore head and my ribs are bruised but I’m alright.” His nervousness was cute. He was standing by the door just staring at me, “Come in. I mean if you want to, I know you’re a busy superstar.” I mutter stupidly. Good one Imogen he probably thinks you’re an idiot.

“I’m sorry I hit you with my car,” He says as he takes a seat in the plastic chair next to the bed I’m on. I suddenly wonder why I’ve been treated so quickly. The last time I broken my ankle I waited in the emergency room for nearly two hours with nothing but a little tablet to sooth the pain.

“Did you organise to get me seen quickly? I’ve never been attended to so quickly.”

“Do you come here often?” He joked with an arched eyebrow.

I giggled, “No not generally. I broke my ankle once and it took two hours before I was seen by a doctor.” I explain. I’m actually surprised I’m keeping my cool, I love One Direction and I have a big crush on Louis and Zayn. I should be fan girling right now.

“Oh well again I’m sorry. You seemed really upset when you saw your boyfriend.” He said and I frowned.

“He cheated on me,” I answered softly. “I got home with the groceries and he had my neighbour pushed up against our front door.” I said sadly. I had been with Thom since I was sixteen and we had just moved in together. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them; I just had to get out. And now I’m in the hospital telling Louis Tomlinson from One Direction my life story.


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