Chapter 34

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Crosby, Liverpool - England, 2026

In the middle of a living room full of paper wrap, Sofía and Jo are sitting on the carpet, their regular spot for some days now. The difference is that Bulgaria's puzzle, which used to lay over the coffee table, is now being substituted by another one. Josephine loved the picture on it, and thought that the little girl would also love the landscape of river Thames with the London Eye, Big Ben and Tower Bridge. 

Both blondes are fascinated. Sofía admires the amazing new puzzle she got, while Jo can't stop admiring the bright intelligence of her daughter. In half an hour the six year kid has already linked one whole side of the puzzle, and now she even commissioned Josephine to look for the blue pieces, just like adults do with small kids.

Early this morning Sofía woke up her father, who was deeply asleep next to her. She was beyond excited to see what Santa Claus had downstairs for her. They got up and crossed the hall to knock on Jo's bedroom. Josephine greeted them with a timid smile and followed them to the living room incapable of looking at Hero in the eye, but because she was too focused on her daughter's sparkling eyes.

The room was perfectly settled with the presents under the tree, the Christmas lights on and the small bitten carrots next to the chimney. Except when Sofía almost tripped when running to the presents, giving her parents a heart attack, the emotion was enormous. Now, both girls are enjoying this Christmas morning and Hero can't feel more joyful about it, while he prepares breakfast.

- Jo, did you like doing puzzles when you were little?

Josephine wonders when will it stop to surprise her that Sofía calls her by her nickname. It sounds even cuter coming from her. She thinks back to her infant days at Perth, however the only memories she has doing puzzles are during the After years.

- Actually, no. - She answers honestly. - But, I like doing puzzles with you. 

Sofía stares at her seriously, and Jo thinks that she has maybe precipitated with the confession. The little girl stares at her, and remembers the night she heard her dad talking about how Jo didn't want to know anything about them. Then, she thinks about what Josephine told her about her sickness, and Sofía probably is too young to reconcile that idea with the woman who has been trying so hard to fit into their lives these past weeks.

The truth is that, even though she had asked for her mom when she was younger, she has never missed a mommy because her daddy has always been there for her. Nevertheless, she likes having Jo close to her. She likes how she bakes lamingtons, how she sings, to watch her putting make-up on, and she also likes the smile on his daddy's face. A smile that has been on his face for a few weeks now, and which she hadn't seen before. 

With six years old she doesn't need much more. Only that it last.

- Did you want to have kids when you were little? 

Josephine feels that it is an important question, so she stops looking for puzzle pieces and takes her time to answer.

No, to tell the truth, she never thought about having kids. When she was little, she rarely played with baby dolls or had that maternal instinct. With twenty-one years she still had plenty of experiencies to live and having kids was not in her plan life.

And now? 

Josephine loves Sofía. She has zero doubts about that. But, being a mom is much more than just feeling love.

Many women her age are not considering motherhood right now either. But, she also didn't plan on having a boom in her actress career, or meeting Hero, or falling in love with his co-star. Sometimes you don't plan life and you enjoy the best years of your life.

And now, Sofía is looking at her waiting for an answer, which Jo feels responsible about. 

Her love for Sofía is just like it was and still is for Hero, undeniable. Now it starts the hard work, being a mom everyday with bunch of routinary problems and in occasions maddening. Perhaps, without planning it she starts enjoying the best years of her life.

Yet, Sofía deserves to know the truth. 

- I didn't want to have kids when I was little... - She says. - And I don't know if I will ever want to have more kids. But, it makes me really really happy being your mom.

Sofía outlines a smile with two dimples on it. Half Josephine, half Hero. And her mom falls in love a bit more of her. It seems like a good answer.

Although she has not finished making her mother suffer with her questions yet.

- Does it make you happy being with dad? 

Maybe the right question is not that, Jo thinks. Or at least, it needs another question to be complete. It would be necessary to know if it makes Hero happy to be with Jo. 

And, if the answer is affirmative in both cases, which she bets it is, they would need to know if they are ready to make that feeling last. And, of not being able to withstand the weight of time and routine, the reproaches of the past, and the problems of the present and future, would it be worth it trying again?

Josephine and Hero's relationship as a couple was only starting, until life interfered and it paused it. They got lost in the path before reaching routines. And, the main concern they had to face, they hadn't been capable of facing it together.

And now? 

Back then, they only had to think about themselves. Now, they also have to think about Sofía.



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