Chapter 1

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"Hurry up!" My friend yelled.
Her name was Angelina and the two girls next to her were name Britney and Melissa.
They have been my friends for quite a while, since I've moved here; About a year.
I don't know why but I usually get along with girls better then I get along with guys, me being a guy.
I started to run to catch up to them.
We are currently in the middle of the forest at 11pm looking for an abandoned building.
You could say I'm the dumb person in the horror movie everyone yells at, cause this was all my idea.
I actually first stumbled upon it when I was taking some pictures, and I did go in.
It didn't seem dangerous but at night I thought it would be absolutely terrifying and decided to be scared along with my closest friends.
I could describe what each of them look like but I'll leave that up to whoever is reading this.
"Oh my gosh, it looks so creepy!!" Melissa hung onto my arm and Britney was on Melissas arm.
I laughed.
"It doesn't look that creepy." I walked up to the door and knocked.
"Here I'll go first." I opened the door.
"See nothings wro-" I then pretended to get pulled into the house and slammed the door.
"Val!!" I heard them all yell.
I opened the door and started laughing.
Britney punched me in the chest.
"You jerk!" She laughed.
We started to make our way through the house using the lights from our phones.

Everything was going fine, a few scares here in there but when we got to the second floor we heard a concerning noise.
The front door of the house opened again.
"Did you hear that??" Melissa looked around.
We all nodded.
"Hello??" I yelled.
Like I said, I'm the dumb person in a horror movie.
We started going downstairs again but then I heard a loud noise.
"Oh sh...." I started pushing them into another room when I saw a silhouette of a person.
We made it to a bedroom and I locked the door.
"Guys theres another person here." I whispered. "We need to leave."
Melissa looked like she was starting to panic.
I saw a window that look big enough for a person to fit in, since all the bigger ones were locked.
"Here's a window that isn't locked, we're gonna go through it. I'll help you get out."
We let Melissa go first since she was more terrified.
I heard a loud bang on the door.
"Crap! Britney get over here!" I yelled and pushed here through the window.
Angelina was last.
I then heard the door slam open and a guy with a big Axe came in....

-460 words

{hello random people! This is the first story I've actually finished and decided to see what everyone thinks of it! If you have any advice or see any mistakes let me know! I would love the feedback!}

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