Chapter 7

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**Triggers: scars, mention of abuse, anger**

**Tommy's POV**

As soon as we get to the house, I start to limp slightly on the way to the door, without saying anything, Technoblade helps me support myself. I want to dispute this action, but I know that I am in no place to do so.

We open the door and instantly hear a disgruntled Philza walking down the stairs. "I just got a call from the school, what the hell are you boys doing home?" He gets to the bottom and sees my condition. "W-what happened? Tommy? Are you okay?" He comes to my side and starts to look at all of the bruises. "Who did this? What happened?" He says with anger laced in his voice. "It was just some mean kids from school. I'm fine. Just a little sore." I try to reassure him.

He turns to Techno and Techno understands the message, "it was the Dream Team." Phil makes a fist and and sighs deeply as if he's trying to calm himself down. He looks at all of us, "Tommy we need to have a conversation about this later, but for now, you can rest. Would you like to take a nap?" All I can do is nod while holding back tears.

Tubbo helps me upstairs to the bedrooms. Once we get there he helps me lie down and lays beside me. "Thank you Tommy, for always looking out for me." I smile at my little brother. "Thank you Tubbo, for getting help. I didn't realize I needed it until it was too late. Let's go to sleep okay?" They fall into a deep sleep together.

*Meanwhile with Phil, Techno and Wil*
**Wil's POV**

"Those boys can't keep getting away with hurting my sons. There really should be rotting in jail." Dad says while pacing. "Dad don't worry about it, I dealt with them, they won't be messing with either of them anymore," Technoblade tried to calm him down. "But Techno, you shouldn't be worrying about them either. I'm worried about you, all of you." Techno hugs dad and they stay like that for a while.

"Dad," I say quietly, not really wanting to have this conversation. Techno and Dad turn to me, "what's up son?" I sigh before continuing, "you know how I told you about those people that hurt Tubbo?" They both looked at me confused, but they nodded. "Well... Tommy has some scars too. When Techno was fighting, I was looking over Tommy for severe injuries and we really should take him to a hospital after he wakes up just in case, but Tommy... He has so many scars." I start to tear up because the memory of them makes me want to cry, "I can't... I can't even explain them. You have to see for yourself."

**Phil's POV**

After talking with Wil and Techno I realized how little I know about my youngest boys. I need to figure out what happened to them and I also need to keep my cool as to not scare them. I head upstairs quietly to Tommy's room. I open the door to see Tommy awake cuddling a sleeping Tubbo. I walk in quietly and sit on the desk chair, "hey mate, how is he?" Tommy whispers back, "a little shaken up, but he's alright. Do you need us?"

"When you get a chance, could you come to my office? I'd like to talk to you a bit okay?" He nods in response and I leave quietly.

I head to the office to get some work done. Techno and Wil are sitting in the office with me talking about random topics. God I love my family. Tommy comes in after a few minutes. "Hey Toms is Tubbo still sleeping." I ask, he nods his head in response, must still be a little off from the beating earlier. "You wanted to talk to me sir?" I frown at the use of 'sir'. Since when did he become so formal. Maybe the talks he has had in  previous foster homes have not gone well.

"Tommy, you don't have to be so formal, I promise that no one here is going to hurt you. We just want you to have the chance to be a kid, to be yourself." Tommy just stares back in response, his eyes becoming slightly watery.

"Anyway, the reason I called you in here is because I- because we," I gesture to Techno, Wil and I, "are all worried about you. Wil was assessing you for injuries and said that what he found was heartbreaking. I need to know what happened in your past Tommy." His face instantly drops as he stares back at me, looking as if I just asked him to do an impossible task.

"I don't want you to get rid of us though. Please don't send us back. And if you do think differently of me, at least please don't send Tubbo back, he has done nothing wrong. He doesn't deserve-"

"Tommy, Tommy, calm down," I cut him off while holding his shoulders, " I don't think differently of you at all. I just want to know so that I can help you. I'm worried about you Tommy, I love you...."
He cries for first time, showing how vulnerable he is. He hugs me tightly and we sit like that for a couple of minutes.

Tommy sighs deeply before taking off his sweater and showing the many, many cuts and bruises and burns. I feel the tears sting my eyes as I scan over his body. His ribs are covered in bruises, his arms have clearly had a knife taken to them, there's so many burns on his abdomen. There are words cut into his skin that say 'worthless', 'kill yourself', and 'die'. And in the middle of his chest is a severe burn of a brand. It looks familiar, I have definitely seen it before.

"T-Tommy," I start, my voice shaky, "what does this mean?" I trace my fingers over the brand. "My old foster parents have a business and they make all of their own signs by burning their company name into wood. This is their company symbol."

That's where I've seen it. I've seen this company before, I have worked with this company before! I have never felt this angry in my life. They can't get away with this.

**Techno's POV**

As dad hugs Tommy, and Wil joining shortly after, I can't help but feel the anger boiling inside of me. He's such a sweet kid, they both are, they never deserved this. I leave the room, I can't stand to look at the scars any longer or else I might do something that'll scare Tommy. I head to the gym in the basement and grab some boxing gloves and start hitting the bag in order to release some anger.

After about 30 minutes of punching I hear the creak of the basement stairs, "I don't need a lecture right now dad! I'll apologize to Tommy for leaving later." I hear the creak of the last stair and I turn around. I find myself face to face with... Tommy.

"Hey bud how are you doing? Sorry for walking out earlier. I just-"

"I get it," he starts, "it's hard to look at. I could see the anger written all over your face." I shake my head, "that never should have happened to you Tommy, you didn't deserve it. You know that right?" He nods in response. I kneel in front of him. "If you ever need me, and I mean EVER, just come talk to me okay? I'll be here for you. I won't judge you." He gives me a slight smile before hugging me.

"Phil says that we're going to take them to court. That they won't get away with this." He tells me.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yeah. I want them to pay for what they have done. And unfortunately they left a lot of proof on my body." He chuckles slightly at the bad joke, I don't respond.

"He's already gathering information and is planning on taking them to court very soon. I didn't even know Phil was a lawyer. Hopefully he's a good one."

"One of the best in town. Don't worry Tommy, we'll bring them to justice." 

A couple moments of silence passes before Tommy speaks again, "I never said thank you." I stare at him. "For saving me, I mean. So... Thank you." I give him a quick hug. "Anytime, little brother."

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" He asks and I chuckle a bit. "Well, you're not going to believe me, but dad actually taught me everything I know." He looks at my in disbelief, "no way."

"Yep! He's a world class fighter!" A couple more moments of silence passes before I speak up, "would you want me to teach you?" His whole face brightens up. "Would you?!"

"Absolutely kid, anything for my little brother."


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