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"Your favorite restaurant is a pizza place?" Jack asked placing his hand on my mine.

"Yes it is. And since I have allergies it's so good so deal with it butt face."

"Butt face?" He asked. I nodded.

I looked over at him as I drove. "CASSIE WATCH OUT!" That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

I opened my eyes and everything seemed to be blurry. It appears I'm in a hospital room. Wait. A HOSPITAL?

"Jack come in she's awake!" I saw some lady yell outside the door.

"Cassie, oh my god are you okay?" Oh so that's my name the mysterious lady said.

That's when the boy walked in. Damn he's fucking hot. "Who are you guys?" The lady and boys eyes basically popped out of their head.

The lady ran out. "Hey Cassie. I'm Jack. We weren't dating but I was getting there with that. You don't remember me at all?"

"Oh.. no I don't. Sorry." I said forcing a smile.

"SHIT!" Jack yelled hitting the wall, scaring me. "So what happened? Why am I here?" I asked.

"Me and you were going to a pizza place. And you looked at me and then we slammed into a car. I'm fine. I just have a couple of bruises. But you hit your head really hard and glass got in your arms. Some in mine but no big deal."

"Oh. Well I hope you're okay." He smiled and the lady walked in again with probably a nurse.

"Hi sweetie. I'm nurse Maggie. I've been taking care of you since the accident a day ago. You were in a major car accident. You have short term amnesia. Later tonight you will feel better. You are free to go home in about fifteen minutes." I nodded and she walked out.

"Miss.Smith can I have a minute with her?" Jack asked. I'm assuming she's my mom.

I looked at him and he picked up a real green bag from a chair.

"I know you won't remember this but today is your birthday. Happy birthday beautiful." He said handing me the gift. "Thank you."

I opened it and it was a beautiful puzzle piece necklace from Tiffany&Co. "Jack this is beautiful thank you so much." I put my arms out to hug him and he came into them.

"I have the other part of it too but I put mine on my key thing because necklaces don't really suit me. But I bring my keys everywhere so I always have you with me no matter what." I smiled and then he helped me put it on.

"Hello Cassandra! I'm Dr.Trate. You can be set home now. Here's the clothing your mother brought you." He handed me a bag.

"Thank you." I answered.

Jack walked out as I started undressing. I finished putting on my clothes and walked out of my room. I noticed my mother I guess, and then a little boy.

"Hi cassie!!" He said running up to me.

"Um hi but who are you?" His eyes went wide and his head dropped. "Mom your brother Andrew." He said.

"Oh hi Andrew." I hugged him and then we all went off.

I got into the front seat with my mom and the two boys in the back. "So the nurse said you'll get your memory back later tonight." I nodded and she continued. "Also, yesterday was your birthday. Your family was supposed to come and celebrate but now everyone is going to come tomorrow." I nodded my head.

We pulled into a driveway which I'm assuming is my house. Jack opened my door and I thanked him. When we got inside my mom started talking. "Cass I want you to go take a nap. I know you've been sleeping for a long time but maybe this will help jog your memory."


I woke up in my room. Everything seemed back to normal. "Good morning beautiful." Jack turned around sitting at my desk.

"Hey. Did I sleep through the afternoon and night?" I asked.

"Yeah you did. You woke up like once but I doubt you remember it." He's right I didn't. "But I got my memory back. I can tell what everything is now." I said then Jack smiled.

"Your grandma is here. I went to go introduce myself and she thinks we're dating. She's so nice." He came and sat down next to me.

I went on my phone and went through Twitter. I saw one of Jacks tweet; @jackgilinsky: hey guys I had gotten into a car accident with someone but we're both fine. Don't worry that I haven't been tweeting im taking care of her❤️

I saw so many tweets saying who is her or like basically hating on me but it didn't bother me because they don't know who i am.

I started thinking about my sleep, and now that I am thinking about it. I remember waking up and it was dark in my room.


I opened my eyes to see my dark room. I got up to go look outside my door and see if anyone was up so I looked in Andrews room.

I instantly spotted Jack and Andrew playing Xbox but I didn't say anything and just watched.

I could hear them starting to talk. "I can tell you like her." Andrew said.

"Nooo I don't are you crazy?" He paused for a second. "Of course I like her. What's not to like." Jack said.

"She's really beautiful I have to admit. I love when she's home. I miss her so much. But everything there makes her happy, you make her happy so when she's in LA Im happy." Andrew said and him smile grew.

"Well I'm thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend soon. But I want to wait because we've only really had a thing for like a week." I decided to end it on that note and go back to bed.

Flashback over-

"So are you excited to meet my family?"

"Just a little nervous." I laughed.

"There's nothing to be nervous about!!"

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