Chapter 1: Letters and Arrivals

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Lizzy's p.o.v

I was walking out of my bedroom that I shared with my younger sister, Ginny, when my brothers, Fred and George ran down the hall. I looked down the hall a little farther to see my other brother ron chasing them. I giggled at them and continued down the hall and down the steps and found mum in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Morning mum." I said cheerily.

"Morning Liz." She gave me a quick hug and continued to cook.

I looked out the window to see an owl making its way twards the house. As the owl got closer, I saw that it was holding something.

I walked outside and the owl droped what it was holding. I caught it and walked in the house. There were five letters. One addressed to me and the other to Ron. The others are for Fred, George, and Percy.

"Look mum!" I squealed. "Letters from hogwarts arived!" At the sound of my words, Ron, Fred, Goerge, Ginny, Father, and Percy walk in the room. I hand my siblings their letters and open mine. I quickly scan the letter as I see words saying that I have been accepted into Hogwarts school of wichcraft and wizardry.

I look at the list of required school suplise and frown. I didnt have a pet that I could bring with me. Ron had scabbers who had been in our family for what feels like for EVER. But... I have never had the chance to have a pet. I hugged mum and turned and hugged my other sibling as well.

I was happy to be able to go to Hogwarts with him in my year. We were only nine months apart, him being the oldest of us two. We both berily made in the same year.

Father cleared his throught and said, "Liz, we have something for you." He turned around and brought out a little black kitten. Father looked at me and smiled, "she's all yours."

I smiled even wider, if that were even possible, and took the kitten. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said and hugged each one of them.

"what are you gonna name her?" Fred and Goerge said in unison.

I looked at her and smiled before I replied, "stormy."

-Timeskip to platform 9 3/4-

Fred and Goerge had just gone through the wall into the platform after joking with mum and messing with her head, when a confused looking boy with round glasses came up. He pointed to the wall and said, "c-could you tell me how to...?"

Mum looked at him and said, "get on to the platform?"

The boy nodded and audibly swallowed. Mum smiled and said, "its all right. Its Ron and Lizzy's first time too." She pointed to the wall. "You just go through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if your nervous."

The boy nodded and lined up the the wall. He took a deep breath and started to run. He went through the wall with ease and was now no where in site.

Mum looked to Ron and I and said, "Ron, you go. Then you Liz..." Ron whent through and I followed after. I came through the wall to a platform and gasped. I walked over to where Ron was and looked at the huge steem engine trian. Ron and I borded the train after putting our luggage away and walked through the train looking for a compartment.

Srormy jumped out of my arms and ran through the train. I ran after her and ended up three compartments down ta see a boy holding my cat. He had almost platnum blonde hair and was turned around.

I tapped the boys shoulder and he turned around. I then relized it was Draco Malfoy. My eyes widend and I felt butterflys in my stomach. Dracos family and my family have never gotten along but somehow I grew a small crush on him. I then said, "thats my cat. Give her back."

"Oh? Is it now?"

I nodded. "Give her back you git."

He was about to say something when Ron came up beside me and said in a menicing tone, "give it back, Malfoy."

Draco smirked and said, "why? I kinda like this cat."

I saw the twins come up next to me. Fred and goerge narrowed there eyes. Fred said, "give the cat back to my sister, Malfoy."

"Or would you like pink hair for your first year?" Goerge finnished.

Draco rolled his eyes and handded me back stormy. Then he looked to the gits next to him. "Come on. Lets go." And with that he and the other gits left.

I turned to my brothers and hugged each of them. "Thank you." I said and they nodded. The twins whent back to thier compartment and Ron said, "come on I found us a compartment."

When we got to the compartment I saw the voy from before and sat next to Ron. I stuck my hand out and said, "Lizzy weasley. And this is my brother, Ron Weasley."

He shook my hand and said, "Harry. Harry potter."

Ron gasped and my eyes widened. "The harry potter?" I said.

He nodded and Ron whispered, "Is it true? Do you really have the.. the..."

"The what?" Harry asks

"The scar?"

Harry smiles and lifts up his hair. "Oh, ya."

"Wicked." Ron and I say in unison.


We were now in the hall waiting to get sorted. I was standing next to Ron. On my otherside was Hermione Granger. We had talked on the train and the two of us hit it off imedeatly. We were waiting for professer Mcgonagall to return when Draco came up to us.

Harry's p.o.v

Ron and I were talking about what house we wanted to be in. He said that he and Liz were hoping for Gryffindor. He said that his entire family had been in Gryffindor.

I was about to reply when a boy walked up. He smirked and said, "so, its true then. What there saying on the train? Harry potter has come to hogwarts?"

There was a slight mutter in the crowd of kids when the boy continued. I ignored him though I did catch his name. He said it was Draco Malfoy. When he said this I heard a snicker from Ron. Thats when I heard draco start insulting him. I zoned back in when I heard Liz stand up to Draco.

"Look hear Malfoy." She said. "Ron might be a little shagy and wierd sometimes." I heared Ron say something in protest but she just kept going. "But he is sooo much more than you could ever be."

Draco rolled his eyes and turned to me. "Well, you'll soon learn that some wizarding familys are better than others potter. You dont want to go making friends with the wrong sort." He extends his hand. "I can help you there."

I look at his hand and say, "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself." Just then the proffeser came back. "Were ready for you now." Then all of the students followed her to the great hall.

A/N: Thank you so much for clicking on this story, I really hope you enjoyed this, thank you! Dont forget to vote and coment! Thank you! Have a great day and/or night!

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