Chapter 4: Avoidance and Classes

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Lizzy's p.o.v

After I saw Harry and Ron staring at me I grabbed my stuff and left. I was not very hungry so food didnt seem like a need. I walked to the library and walked around for a little while. After a few minutes I decided to head to class. When I got to class I saw that only a few people there. I sat down at an emty desk and waited. I looked around but I didnt see Proffeser Mcgonagall. 

Third person p.o.v

By the time class started everyone was there... well... except Ron and Harry.  Liz looked over to Hermoine who was sat next to her. She and Liz were almost done with the notes for class when the bang of door was heard. The room had been silent so the sound was like thunder ecoing through the room. 

Ron and Harry stumbled in and started breathing heavily. Then Ron spoke up. "Whew! Amazing, could you imagine the look on old Mcgonagall's face if we were late?" He said looking at Harry.

Lizzy and Hermoine facepalmed. Just then the cat that was sitting on the proffesers desk jumped off and turned into the proffeser. Harry and Ron looked at her in astonishment. 
Ron spoke up again and said, "that was bloody brilliant!" Harry nodded in agreement. Draco snickered and Liz shot him a glare. 

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps if I were to Transfigure you or Mr. Potter into a pocket watch one of you might get here on time." Proffeser Mcgonagall said raising her eyebrows.

This time Harry spoke up, "sorry, we got lost."

The proffeser looked at them and said, "a map then. I trust you dont need one to find your seats?" The shook there heads and sat down.


Everyone was now in potions class waiting for the teacher. The door poend and closed and proffesee Snape walked in the classroom.

As he walked he said, " There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." 

He then looked at Harry. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to Mr. Potter, tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" 

Hermoine shot her hand up in the air looking like she would burst with answers.

Snape ignored her. "Dont know? Lets try again... where would you look if I told you to find a Bezoar?"

Hermoine raised her hand a little higher. Hoping to be called on.
Harry gulped and replied, "I-I dont know sir..."

"What is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?"

Again Hermoine raised her hand higher. Looking as if her arm would fall off if it went any higher. And again Harry mumbled, "I dont know sir..."

Snape ignored Hermoine and said, "well... I guess fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. potter?"

Then Harry looked up at him and blurted, "I never said it was proffeser. I have been taking notes the whole time." (I have wanted that to be said ever since I firat watched the movie. It always bothered me that Snape said that and Harry never implied that fame was everything.- Lee)

Snapes head shot up and he walked over tward Harry,  then he said in a voice that was quiet yet loud at the same time,  "You'll do well to hold your toung... Potter."

Lizzy's p.o.v

I was taking notes when I saw Ron staring at me. Harry was too. I looked at them and continued to write. When class ended we went outside for flying lessons. This was the one I have been looking forward to the most.

The proffeser told us to call her Madam Hooch. Then she told us to stand on the left side of the broom, place our hand over the broom and say up. I did as told and said "up!" The broom shot to my hand. I looked around and saw Harry had his broom too. He smiled at me and I looked away. 

Its not that I didnt want to be friends with him. I'm just scared of the reactions of my being in Slytherin. I haven't talked to my brothers since yesterday before the sorting. I want to stall for as long as possable.

Madam Hooch told us to mount our brooms and to hover on the count of three. "1.... 2.... " she was about to say three when Nevilles broom rose and took off. It flew around the castle a little bit before he got caught on something and hit the ground. Madam Hooch ran over to him and Neville groand in pain. Madam Hooch classifyed it as a broken wrist and took him to the hospital wing. Before she left she said, " If I see anyone on there brooms you will be expelled from hogwarts gaster than you can say 'Quidditch'." Then she and Neville left. 

Draco picked something up. I looked over to see him holding Nevills remembrall. "Maybe if he had gave this a squeeze he would have remembered to fall on his fat ass." He smiled and a couple of boys from Slytherin laughed.

In unison Harry and I said, "Give it here Malfoy."

Draco looked at us and said in reply, "no, I think i'll leave it somewhere for him to find it. How about on the roof?" Then he mounted his broom and hovered in the air. 

Harry and I mounted our brooms and were about to follow when Jermoine spoke up. "No! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides you dont even know how to fly!"

We flew off anyway and I heard her say something about... idiots? I dont really know.

I saw Draco throw the remembrall and Harry went after it. He got there just in time and cuaght it before it hit a window. Then he threw it to me with as much force as possible because of the distance between us. I cuaght it and we both landed on the ground and were ingulfed by the Gryffindor house. Then we heard Proffeser Mcgonagall. "Lizzy Weasley and Harry potter, come with me."

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