Sussy eddy ba beddy

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(Watch the fucking video above for chat)

As oven sat there, thinking. Thinking about how fucking sexy cupboard is. He knew they would never be together. It wasn't meant to be.

"I love you." Knife said to cupboard making oven jealous.

"I-I-I-I-" cupboard started. "I love you too..." they said.

As knife lend in meeting cupboard half way. Just then fork came in and stabbed knife. To get back, knife went and took over forks body.

Then jack manifold walked in. "Did you get a whoppa?" He screamed.

"Oven I love you not knife." Cupboard said and walled over to oven.

"Me too." And they kissed.

"Are thowe in loveest with yee oven?" Romeo and Juliet said and gave cupboard a ring.

"Marrie me oven." Cupboard said and got on one knee.

"Yes." He said and died.

"Nooooooo, my meow meow." Cupboard said and broke down. "He was my little meow meow cat boy and always went meow meow cat boy went fucking meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, eddy ba beddy, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, mommy milkers, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, sussy Baka."

"It's fine doll." Harry styles said and walked in from the sky. "I'm always here for you." He put a hand on their shoulder and spoke in his uwu English ascent.

"But he was my little cat boy... he always uwued to me when I was sad." And a tear rolled down there face making their wood start to mould.

"Hey, I'm Ed sheeran, or eddy ba beddy. Oven said if he died to kill you to." Eddy ba beddy hit cupboard in the handle the killed fork/knife. "I'll let you live." And he picked them up throwing them off Mount Everest then picking them up again. "I'll make a steal out of you on the black market."

This little thing he said got everyone wanting cupboard to make money.

"I found you new owners." He said and killed them.

No more cupboard.

I guess it was never meant to be.

Romeo and Juliet, Harry styles, eddy ba beddy, and everyone else disappeared.

Ovenxcupboard was never real.

It was made for a bit that might be real in your heart, but it was all a joke.

Same with the fucking eddy ba beddy thing.

A/n: Ceili I'm sorry but I don't like your oven or cupboard it was all a joke. I put little effort in this because it's 2am. I'm also listening to "can j have a ride home? I'm at a party and don't know any1" by carpetgarden, I think it's a good song. Listen to it know. I also had to make a new account for this, I didn't need you to see my reading list or my other fanfics (we don't take about that) yeah. Hey future Avery. I hate myself for this. Umm... this is going to look amazing on my college applications. "Wrote a fanfic about an oven and cupboards" I need to stop.

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