Sussy little wedding

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-time skip-

It's now 2040, Harry and Eddy ba beddy hid in hell for years trying to figure out how to get rid of Cupboard.

"Doll, we've been trying for years. Don't you think its time to settle down? We're going to be stuck down in hell for the rest of eternaty." Harry said, his uwu accent was still strong.

"NO!" Eddy ba beddy yelled agresivly.

"Sorry, I just don't know why you want to split oven and cupboard up, I mean you have me, THE HARRY STYLES! Your the one that killed me then brought me to hell, don't act like this isn't YOUR fault." Harry had been putting up with harry for years now, never once did they do anything other then plan how to split up the two love birds in heaven. They still play Mask sus remix every night and are probably dancing. Once in a while, they play a slow song and Eddy ba beddy and Uwu Harry would also dance... the only thing he ever did for harry... Did he even care... was he even in love with him?

On the other hand, ovenxcupboard was going strong. Dancing and going on dates, just enjoying each other. They all thought eddy ba beddy and Harry uwu were died, or went missing, or just left them alone, so they started to forget about them.... Who's going to tell them?

Oven and cupboard danced with jack manifold and his whoppa, and Jesus and Obama.

Just then Obama got on one knee and pulled out a box.

"My dearest Jesus, will you please marry me?" The ring was bigger than Jupiter, the largest ring in heaven, hell, and the world.

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes!" He said and started to cry kids, that's why there's so many on earth because Jesus decided to cry... a little to much #samegurl.

"Come on, let's go plan the wedding, it will be tonight." Obama decided in seconds.

"Y-y-y-you sure?"

"Yes my lovely Jesus." And they ran away hand in hand to jesuses/Obama's room.

"Awww.... And it was even well mask sus remix was playing, that's there song." Cupboard said and started to tear up.

"I know it's so cute." Oven said and did the same.

-time skip-

"Here are all your outfits. Put them on, weddings in an hour." Jesus said and strutted back to his room.

They did as he said.

-time skip-

The wedding had started, Obama waiting for his beautiful Jesus to walk down the aisle. The love of his not so alive life.

Mask sus remix was playing since it's there love song.

There was Jesus... in a beautiful dress. Obama started to cry at the look of his little meow meow Jesus.

Jesus made it to the front of the aisle, in front of his soon to be husband Obama.

People in the audience were crying as well.

"We are here today to unite this to people in marriage." Dream said. He winked at his little goggy woggy in the audience, meaning, 'this will be us soon'. "Ok, Obama, say your Vous."

"My dear Jesus, I still remember the first time I danced with you years ago, and how I first took a liking to your name because of you removed the J and E you where left with sus. When ever I hear the word sus I think of you, not just for your name, but because your such a little sussy Baka. Just knowing that in minutes you will be my sussy Baka makes my heart melt. I love you my sussy Jesus." Obama said and looked Jesus in the eyes, both had tears in their eyes.

"Thank you. Jesus it's your turn."

"My little owo Obama, I've loved you since I created you. I cried you out when my first friend left me but now there in hell. Every bad nightmare I've had you comforted me, normally saying something like 'my sussy little Jesus, don't be sad, your too sussy for that.' And would throw a couple meows in there. Thank you Obama, I love you." Jesus said, he was now a breaking mess.

"Do you Obama take Jesus to be your little sussy?" Dream asked.


"Do you Jesus take Obama to be your little owo?" Dream asked.


"You may now kiss." And they did.

People started to throw rice as they walked down the aisle to there honeymoon, but jack manifold threw whoppas. He wasted his good whoppas in them, how special.

Then they heard something rumble.

What could it be?

A/n:Ceili I'm writing this in a car and am I tired, I'm going to sleep now, you get what you get. You'll get more chapters when I feel like it. Might not wake up from the sleep cause I'm so quirky. I've also started to pick up the little quirky things you say and it's not been good, I also picked up goggy woggys sleep schedule. Yeah.

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