Stood Up By A Date

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Henry and Belch oriented (mostly Belch)

It was raining hard as I waited by the kissing bridge for my date, I checked my watch for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Five o'clock, he was only... an hour and a half late.

I let out a defeated sigh, he wasn't going to come, it was all too good to be true. A big time jock like Jared wouldn't waste his time with a nerd like me. I should have listened to the guy's warnings but I was far too into the thought of going on a date with the high school's football captain. Even if our team sucked ass.

I began the walk of shame back home in the rain, tears running down my face, my blue summer dress was soaked right down to my underwear and bra, my hair that I curled this morning was dripping wet and sticking to the sides of my face, and I could only imagine what my makeup looked like right now from the rain and tears.

Overall I felt, and most likely looked, like a drowned rat, it was probably a good thing my date didn't show up, though if he had shown up on time when we agreed to meet I could have avoided the whole soggy look.

I had walked maybe a meter away from the bridge when a familiar blue Trans-Am rolled up beside me.

"If y-you are heRE to poke fun and s-say "I told you so" then screw off g-guys." My voice cracked from crying, and I was shivering from the freezing rain that was coming down hard now.

The looks I got from the four guys all varied. Henry's face said "I told you so", but I was happy he didn't actually say it, Vic's showed pity, Patrick's had a smug grin on it, and lastly Belch's expression was full of concern and worry.

"No none of that, jus' wanna give ya a lift, and getcha outta the rain sweetheart, yer lips 'er turnin' blue." Belch said from the driver's seat.

Henry then opened his door and silently motioned me into the car and onto his lap, one of Belch's long sleeve flannels in his hand.

I climbed in and curled up in Henry's arms, silent tears falling from my eyes as he wrapped Belch's dry shirt around me.

"I'm such an idiot." I sobbed.

"I could have told you that." Patrick laughed, licking his lips as he stared at my wet legs, the water running down them from my soaked dress.

"Shut up Hockstetter." Belch hissed.

I let out a small whimper, my teeth chattering together as I tried to curl up into a ball of nothing and disappear. I wasn't very fond of Patrick, but he was friends with the other three guys so I semi tried to put up with him.

Patrick let out a huff, and sat back in his seat. I heard Vic move around in the back seat behind Henry, then saw him lean forward with another long sleeve flannel that was probably tied around his waist moments ago. He eyed Patrick then silently, and swiftly laid the gray shirt over my gooseflesh covered legs, hiding them from Patrick's hungry gaze.

I let out a quick and quiet, "thank you." Getting a small smile in return.

"You hungry?" The question came from Henry, he was looking down at me, his face void of all emotion like usual.

"A little bit." I answered, but my stomach betrayed my answer and let out a loud growl. "Okay, a lot a bit."

Belch let out a short chuckle and pulled into the parking lot to the diner.

"Uuh, maybe we should just go to my place instead." Belch said, glancing at me in concern before looking back toward the front of the diner.

"Huh? Why?" I looked up towards the diner, and now understood why he suggested that.

There in the front window was my supposed date Jared, laughing and eating with another girl. She was gorgeous looking from what I could see, long dark hair in a high ponytail, tanned skin. It was Shelby, the captain of the cheer squad, and my biggest tormenter.

"Oh." I choked out as I watched the two move in to make out with each other. Another sob wracked my body, and I turned and buried my face back into Henry's now soaked shirt.

"Get us out of here Belch." Henry commanded through gritted teeth. "Before I do something I really won't regret."

"Already on it." He put Amy in reverse and peeled out of the parking lot.

"Ugh I was totally played by him, next time I have the bight idea to go on a date with a jock, smack some sense into me or lock me in my room, even better idea, don't let me date at all, save me from the embarrassment of looking like a drowned rat, and getting stood up." I groaned, my voice muffled by Henry's shirt.

"We can lock you up in my bedroom." Patrick grinned, reaching over, and sliding his hand under the flannel around my legs reaching up my dress.

"Another request," I slapped Patrick's hand away from me, "keep him away from me."

Patrick sent me a playful pout, I returned it with a glare. Ugh he creeped me out so much.

The rest of the car ride to Belch's house was spent just listening to the sound of the rain pounding against the roof of the Trans-Am, and the radio on low volume playing rock 'n roll music.

At some point on the car ride I must have fallen asleep because before I knew it we were already at the Huggins' house hold.

I felt arms shift around me, and I groggily opened my eyes up a little bit to see that Henry had passed me over to Belch, Vic had Belch's keys in hand and went to unlock the front door.

"Mama should be home from work soon, so I'll get Y/n cleaned up before that happens." Belch said, walking towards the bathroom.

I groaned and reached up to rub the sleep, and makeup from my eyes. Belch sat me down on the toilet seat then grabbed a washcloth from the closet and ran it under warm water before coming back over to me, he kneeled down in front of me and gently wiped my face clean.

"At least yer lips ain't blue any more doll."

"I s-still feel cold." I shivered, "do you mind if I take a bath?"

"You go ahead, I'll grab ya a t-shirt and boxers to slip on while you warm up." He stood up to go grab me the said items, but before he could get very far I reached out and grabbed his wrist stopping him.



"Thanks for today."

"Yer welcome doll."

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