Visit At Work

443 11 1

Patrick oriented (tiny bit of Belch if you squint)

(Your POV)

The shrill sound of my alarm clock woke me up suddenly from the deep sleep I was in only moments ago. I groaned, reaching out from my fluffy blankets and slamming my hand down on the snooze button.

It was seven-twenty am, I had to work today at eight-thirty, luckily my job was just down the road from my parents house.

I laid in bed just trying to wake up for ten minutes then proceeded to roll out of my warm cocoon and onto the floor where I let out another groan, man I was not a morning person. I got dressed in some summer clothes, a tank top and booty shorts, then washed my face and put a tad bit of makeup on just to make me not look dead inside and out.

After I was ready I grabbed my backpack and headed up the stairs since my room was in the basement of our old house. I made up a big lunch for myself since I work right on till six-thirty today, just like any other day as well, and I placed my food in a cooler lunch bag. I grabbed the pre-made iced-coffee from the fridge I prepared last night, dropping a few ice cubes in, then I made sure I had everything I needed for work in my backpack; calculator, rain coat, sunscreen, sunglasses, change purse in case I got any tips, and a book to pass the time while I wait for customers to come.

Once I was all set I grabbed a muffin from the bread box, I checked my watch; eight-twentyone. I headed out the door so I could get to work on time.

I get to the fruit and vegetable stand just as my boss pulls up in her white ford pickup truck, her company name on the side of it in big green and black lettering saying "Sarah's Farm Market."

We got all the produce off the truck in ten minutes and she took off down the road to one of her fields for more pickings. Once I had all the produce in their correct spots for display I pulled out my book and read, waiting for the customers to roll in.

(No One's POV)

It was around eleven-thirty when Belch had picked up the last of the guys, ie. Henry, they were just cruising around town now looking for their next victim to torture.

"Why don't we go see Y/n?" Patrick suggested looking absolutely bored out of his mind.

"That's not such a good idea." Vic frowned.

"Huh? Why not?" Patrick asked.

"She's workin' t'day. And she can't have us 'round 'er while she works." Belch said looking back at the tall lanky boy through the rear view mirror.

"Then we can just watch her from afar." Patrick licked his lips. Y/n always wore booty shorts to work and he wanted to see if he could catch a glimpse at anything peeking out. He was getting hard just thinking about it.

"Now there's an idea, Hockstetter. Just park a bit ways down the street, just out of her sight but just where we can get a look at her." Henry piped up, putting his own input in.

Belch rolled his eyes and shook his head, "if she catches us, we're toast."

"If her boss catches us, she's toast." Vic bit his lip nervously. "Y/n really likes her job, I don't want her to lose it because of us."

"Stop being a little bitch Vicky boy! Think of it as just checking in on our girl." Patrick laughed slapping the blonde haired boy on the back hard earning a silent oof from him.

So begrudgingly Belch turned Amy around, mumbling under his breath how Y/n didn't even like Patrick so she wasn't his girl, she wasn't any of theirs girl, and headed in the direction of the stand she worked at on the weekends.

Belch pulled the Trans-Am into an abandoned old school's parking lot, just out of sight from Y/n, but the guys had a great view of her.

They watched as she tended to some customers, and filled up her display in some places. She had her back to them as she was bagging up some shucked corn.

"God damn that girl has a juicy ass on her!" Patrick moaned, his eyes zeroing in on Y/n's behind.

"Shut up." Vic muttered to himself, the guys hated the way Patrick sexualized Y/n all the time, any other girl was fine, but they all saw how uncomfortable he made her, she's told Vic once or twice that she was scared of the lanky boy and he often traded seats with her when she was stuck in the back seat instead of on Henry's lap when he wasn't in the mood for anyone.

"Mmm I'd let her shuck my cob of corn, the way her hands move over that corn." Patrick was practically drooling now as he watched Y/n intently. All the guys were actually, but Patrick was the only one stupid enough to say it out loud.

"Oh fuck, that big one in her hands right now is definitely my dick!" He moaned having to adjust himself.

Then they all watched her break it in two, and Patrick let out a very audible gulp. The other three guys bursted out in laughter.

"Oh yeah that's your dick alright, right down to the size now!" Henry cackled.

"You all can just fuck off!" Patrick huffed, sitting back down in his seat, his dick going soft, but then another thought came to his mind. "Nah it would still be my dick, she's probably so tight from being a virgin that when I dick down on her so hard she'd snap me." His creepy grin was back on his face.

"Yer disgusting, ya know that Pat? Why don't ya treat her with a bit more respect." Belch growled. He hated hearing Patrick talk about Y/n that way.

Belch was probably the closest to Y/n having been neighbours since they were six when she moved to Derry with her mother, so he was pretty protective over her, not to mention he's had a crush on her since they were twelve.

"Just because yer a virgin, and pinning over Y/n doesn't mean you can tell me what to do Belch." Patrick snapped back.

"Both of you shut the fuck! Let's get outta here, I'm pretty sure Y/n knows we're here." Henry commanded, flipping his knife open and close. Belch nodded and turned the car back on and drove away.

(Your POV)

I caught a glimpse of a familiar blue car in the school's parking lot just down the street, and I knew for a fact the guys were watching me, probably horny out of their minds so I decided to try something.

I went over to the corn and began to slowly, and sensually peel the cobs, being very handsy with them, running my hands over the whole cob, you know, to make sure all the silk was off of it, that's all. I grabbed a particularly big one and angled my body so that the guys got a good view of me handling the cob, and once all the hair was off it, I snapped it in half a big grin on my face. I waited a few seconds before I heard laughter from the guy's direction, my guess was probably correct and one of the guys, most likely Patrick, must have made a comment about me and their dick and now they were laughing at him, then the car roared to life and I saw it drive off down the street away from me.

Served them right the pervs.

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