Gold Queen

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(Chloe's POV)

    It was just a totally normal school day - NOT! Sabrina had just left me, yelled at me in front of the entire class, in fact. Didn't she know I was just playing a role? Wasn't I nice to her in private? Didn't I help her out of an abusive situation with her ex? Didn't she know all of this?

    Yes. Yes she did. It wasn't anything I did, rather it was everything the living sausage did. I wasn't entirely sure what happened, but from what I understand, Lila got her dad in trouble at work and made Sabrina think it was my fault.

    One sentence. A bit of fake pity.

    That was all it took for one of my closest friends to hate me.

    But oh no - there was more! My tomato in shining paint had his pride and joy ripped apart right in front of his eyes - not me. I'm obviously still here and still looking glamorous. I mean his sketchbook.

    I walked down the hall, ignoring the insults my classmates were flinging my way. Oh, if only I could show them what hell the school would be trapped in if I didn't exist. Sadly, I don't have that kind of power.

    Yeah. Maybe I was thinking a little harshly, but you know what? I had a right to be mad. And what happened next made me even madder. I walked in on Ivan, Alya, Kim, and Sabrina ganging up on Marinette.

    Now, contrary to popular belief, me and Marinette are very close. We just aren't allowed to show it. It's part of our 'characters', a ruse to make sure no one knows we're still the people we used to be. So when I saw people who claimed to be Marigold's friends beating her up.. well, let's just say I was a little pissed.

     "That's what you get for hurting Lila, you-" started the fake reporter. That gave me all I need to know. "Stop!" I screamed. "What did Marigold ever do to you?!" Kim, Alya, Sabrina, and Ivan looked shocked that I was defending Mari, but Alya eventually worked through her disbelief and finally spoke up.

    "It's not what she did to us, but what she did to Lila! Lila's the sweetest girl on Earth, but just because they like the same boy, Maribitch thinks that's an excuse to threaten her in the bathroom!" I rolled my eyes at how stupid these sheep were, though I was surprised not even Mari's 'best friend' could see through the lies.

    "For the last fucking time, I didn't threaten her! She threatened me!" Marigold said, twisting out of Ivan's grip and walking over to me. I saw red hand marks on Marinette's wrists, clearly from Ivan's hard grip.

    Alya gritted her teeth and swore under her breath and the boys clenched their fists. I was furious. Did they forget everything Marinette had done to help them? Just in case, I chose to remind them.

    "I'm sorry, do you not remember everything our Empress has done to help you? Don't you remember Olivia Running?" Kim and Ivan turned pale. Olivia Running was a nice, kind, gentle, and sweet person - when the teachers were around, anyways.

    In truth, she was a hacker who changed her grades, bully to anyone who dared speak ill of her, and sexual harasser of any poor boy that crossed her path. She tried to make moves on Kim and tried to convince Ivan to take off his shirt in the middle of class while the teacher went to the bathroom.

    Me, Nath, and Marigold got rid of her after taking videos of what she did. When we revealed her, she went fucking feral, screaming and yelling and trying to attack everyone in the room. Thank god I tripped her. She was put in a detention center in Germany. Back then, Kim and Ivan swore to us that they would be in our debt. Clearly, things had changed.

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