A Regal Return

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    The akuma class had no idea what was going on, but they all knew it couldn't be good.

    Something was up, but no one could put their finger on it. Alya and Lila felt chills on the back of their spines. Nino and Adrien felt like someone was going to pop up behind them screaming "BOO!" any second.

    "Hey Nino, Adrien, Lila." Alya greeted. "'Sup, Als?" Nino nodded, the two of them smiling at each other. "Are you okay? You look worried." Lila frowned, putting on a concerned face and tone. She gripped onto Adrien's arm as if to steady herself. "Yeah, you sure you're okay?" asked Adrien, inching away from Lila.

    Alya nodded. "Yeah, just.. unsettled." Alya admitted, to which Lila put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm s-"

    But before Lila could finish, a random student ran up to Nino. The student whispered in his ear and ran off, leaving the DJ all but petrified. 

    "What? No way in hell.." Nino murmured, eyes wide and glued to the ground. Alya, confused and more than a little unsettled, gave him a questioning look. Before she could say anything, Nico acted on his own. "Guys, we need to talk," he said, pulling the three of them into some random storage room. Ivan, Alix, Kim, and Rose were also hiding in there.

    "N-Nino? Rose, Kim, Ivan, Alix? What's going on?" Lila asked, pretending to cry. Kim held her close, his face tense. "..The Royals are back." he said quietly. "Kim, they're new! They don't know who the Royals are!" Rose reminded him in a squeakier-than-usual voice. "Who's gonna tell them?" asked Ivan with a wince.

    Everyone was silent for a long moment. "..I'll do it." Nino finally relented. "W-what is it?" cried Lila, leaving Kim and snuggling against Adrien. Adrien looked very disturbed, less out of fear and more out of the fact that Lila was touching him.

    "So, uh.." Nino took a deep breath. "Y'know how there's always these people held high, who practically control the school? Like, they tear down the bad people, and even though they're good, they're in charge of everything? Well, we have a group like that at this school." Nino took a deep breath. "They're called the Royals. You know them as Marinette, Chloe, and Nathaniel."

    Lila was furious that there were people in the school that were higher than her, even more so that Dupain-in-her-ass-Cheng was part of this group, but she tried to keep it under control. "S-so what do we do?" she asked. "Come to the front of the school." A voice from the doorway said, making everyone jump. "We have a little.. presentation we'd like to show you."

    Marc leaned casually against the doorway, his more socially awkward persona wiped from existence. "Marc, what's this about?" Alya asked, making Marc roll his eyes. "Oh please, can't you guess? Hint, her name sounds an awful lot like liar."

    "Lila's innocent, you dumb fuck! She would never hurt a fly!" Alya swore, furious. Nino had to physically hold her back. "Babe, c'mon, calm down." Nino's voice was soothing, and Alya forced herself to take a deep breath as Marc strolled off.

    "I still think we should follow Marc, if just to see what the Royals want." Rose spoke up nervously. Though certain people weren't all that happy about it, no one disagreed.

    The teens begrudgingly headed to the school's entrance only to see a red carpet and a freaking limo pull up. Three doors opened at the same time with a bang, and out walked Nathaniel, Chloe, and Marinette.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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