Do you know why your here?

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"People count each others flaws. Some not even flaws. What bothers me most is that they act as if they are all from different planets. They fail to forget that they are all remnants. Thats why I over look your unfortunate past and focus more of your talent and willingness to keep moving forward. Do you know why your here? I have brought you here to my school to ask you if you would like a shot at being students at Beacon."

I could see Za was about to say something incredibly stupid and unprofessional so I cut him off before he could do that.

"Yes sir Proffeser Ozpin. We would be honored to be students of Beacon."

"Well alright then you two should go to your room and rest up." he said reviling a pair of keys and dropping them into our hands.

"Dude can you believe it were here. This is a key step of reaching our goal. Yessss!" Za said pumping a fist in the air.

It was the weekend so the halls were relatively quiet.

My brother Za is a little taller than me but I'm no midget. He has Blue hair and I have dark grey. His eyes are blue while mines were an off white (glow in the dark). Za's complexion is darker than mine he's brown while I have a medium skin complexion. He has a more muscular build than i do. He has more of a hyper personality and I'm much more calm. The biggest difference is that I'm a faunas and he is not. My traits resemble those of a lynx. I don't have a tail though it was cut off when I was very young.

"Ah 1055 here we are" Za said unlocking the door and opening it. There were four beds, a desk and a side table.

"Hey you thinking what Im thinking"

"You get two yeah I get two"

We high five.

After getting settled we just kind of sat around.

"I'm boerd. I'm going to die of boredom." Za whined.

"I wonder why he gave us no information or details as of what to do."

"Can we go somewhere. You know check out Vale or something. I would like to see something different after being in that shit hole Vexal for eleven and a half years and training for 4 years straight in Mistral."

"I know. We'll go adventuring soon enough but Ozpin told us to get some rest so we have to follow his orders."

"Well I'm going to sleep early, there is no point of wasting time staring at the sealing."

"Your right about that."


End of chapter one.

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