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Callie's pov

"Hi Cal" i opened my one eye slackly, I quickly covered my face as i remembered my bruises that i got last night. Its Zya by the way.

"Get out" i don't care if I'm being tactless or insolent, I'm exhausted.

"What's with your attitude this morning?, don't you recall that its your schedule in the kitchen this day?" That caught my attention.

I'm supposed to teach the brat's some lesson.

I got up, and stormed to my bathroom. Looking at the mirror i have puffed eye just a little, red nose, and a cut in my forehead. I took off my shirt and god my shoulder and stomach is full of bruises.

"Zya what time is it?"

"Its only 4am, why?"
I know what to do, i run to the Nero hut leaving Zya dumbfounded, i know Roni (men in black) is here.

"Goodmorning Callie, what you-" he didn't finished the sentence when he saw my face, as concern spreads in his face. He gesture me to come inside.

"What happened?" He sat down in the couch in front of me handling me a cup of tea. "It's hot, careful."

"Shawn and Liz, planned to kill vasi and i last night, i got to fight shawn which i won. Now can you give me something that can cover this goddamn bruises?" He nods then go upstairs.

"And can you tell that Echoria's should serve the food today, and Iphegenia's will serve tomorrow?"

"Why?" He returned with a cluster of make ups in his hand, "here take it and go back to your room before the sun shines. This gel will quicken the heal of your cuts and bruises. This gels are peculiar, exorbitant, use what's prescribed" I nod

"Vasi is whacked and so am i, we can't cook this day, can't be busted by this bruises." He pat my head like a dog again, i rolled my eyes.

"Okay i will inform it, now go back before you really get your ass busted" i walked rapidly towards our building

Not attempting to knock, i twisted Vasi's door knob, it's locked.

Knocking a few times before she opened the door. She stared at me, like she's about to kill me.

"What's up."

"We'll cover those bruises, so we won't get suspected" i handed them to her. She nods and i watch her take her routine.

"Are you fine?"

"Sí. I have a rugged stamina."

"You into sports?"

"No, robbery." She laughed aloud.

She didn't got that much of bruises, the only revealing cuts of her is the one in her cheek and arm.

"You didn't got that much of beating? Elucidate how you took so long to help wait did you even help me?"

"I had a conversation with her."

"About what?"

"About jesus."

We put the gel and the make up. The make up didn't really cover the cut in my forehead, and the cut in her cheeks. We decided to apply some aesthetic stickers to them. And wore some cute dashing clothes that matches the stickers. The cuts isn't that deep so i think it will heal fast.

Which is a vibe, total vibe.

"Imagine if those are pink, we'd be too girly" she exclaimed. I half smiled.

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