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"Move" He said to me. Should i end this guy. Then i felt Astrid's hands on mine. She nods. Sorry in advance Astrid.

"First come first serve" Vasi chuckled. "This place about to blow" She sang and made a bomb sound.

"I'm not going to repeat myself Callie."

"I'm not going to repeat myself too" We looked at each other.

"Ezra. Now is not the time." Astrid finally joined the conversation.

"Why? Do you like this girl? Or that boy?" He pointed at Ezekiel who's peacefully chewing his food.

"Ofcourse not." Ezekiel slightly choked on his food. Well that also hurt my feelings. So this is how it feels to have a hidden relationship huh?

"Then why are you with the bunch of losers? You should've join with Khloe and I. Not this."

"We are not losers. You dick" i slammed the table and got up. Facing him. We made eye to eye contact. His jaw clenched.  I just heard Astrid sighed. Well maybe she knows that neither of us can stop.

"Listen, I can fucking end all of your life when you-"

"Why not end right now!" I attacked him without a second. I elbowed his back causing him to groan but he grabbed my hair pulling me in front of him.

"Stop the fight" Astrid Came to our middle. "Ezra stop she's a girl"

"But she disrespects me" He whined like a little girl. "So get out of my way"

He caught me off guard by throwing punch in my arm.

"Shit we should stop this" i heard Martian said.

"Nah, She can handle him" Vasi said.

I then punched him in the eye and about to kick him but he caught my feet. He swings it causing me to fall. "You're done!" I said. Getting up and throwing all the best moves i learned.

I punched him in the stomach and slap his head. I don't know if he's weak or im strong.

"Stop." Astrid finally pull us apart grabbing Ezra's hand dragging him upstairs, leaving me dumbfounded. I watched them as they take the stairs.

"Awe, She picked Ezra" Khloe commented. I rolled my eyes on her. She glide her hands from my neck to my hands. "Let's go somewhere" she whispered.

"You can't" Ezekiel said causing me and Khloe to frown at hin.

"And why not?"

"I don't know?"

"Are you retarded?" My eyes pace back and forth at them.

"No, but i don't trust you to have callie." He smiled innocently. Is he sick? He's kind.

"What am i going to do with her? Rape her?"

"Well maybe, since she's a catch?" I heard chuckles. Oh all of them are still here.

"Okay. Let's go Callie, im going to rape you."

Not in the mood to listen another nonsense talk, i let her take me. We walked in silence until we reach the lake. It's so beautiful. How come i didn't know this place? Well in my defense, Quinzarian is big and i haven't explored 7/8 of the place. Just 1/8 of it. It's still dangerous to explore because we might get lost.

"Why did you take me here?"

"I'll rape you" she mimicked Ezekiel.

"No but really?"

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