Chapter 1: The Surprise Call

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George's POV:

George quickly clicked accept to a face time call from Dream. As the screen loads, he looks down to see his face, and right below it is a pair of black and white tennis shoes that look new. Behind the shoes is a white tile background, the grout obviously indicating it's in a well-kept building.

"Hey, George! I wanted to call and ask if you were busy May 28 - June 30?" Dream asked in a confident yet obviously anxious voice.

"Uhm... I don't think so aside from a few streams and videos with some people. Why?" George replied in an obviously confused tone. He then shifted his phone and set it down on a surface so that he was visible but his hands were free.

"Well, umm... I- I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to Florida! I want to see you in person, and I want you to see me, And well, I can pay for the tickets. I completely get it if you don't want to. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even sugges-"

George's face goes from a look of confusion to the happiest and most exciting face known to man in less than a second. "Oh my God! I would love to! Wait. You're not joking right?"

"What? No, I want to see you in person. You thought I was joking?"

"Well yeah... You like joking around, and well I have a difficult time telling if you're joking or pulling my leg. Also, I refuse to let you buy a plane ticket for me."

"Well, too late, the moment you said yes I bought one. I emailed it to you. It might take a little to get to you. I would start packing you have 9 days until the flight. Also, if you want we can go shopping for more suitable clothes for the weather in Florida. Hm... I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

George stares at the screen in a look in between disbelief and excitement, "You're being serious? Yes! I'm so excited. I have so much to do, and I have to tell my parents. Ill talk to you later!"

As the ding of me leaving the call echos through my room I realize how sudden this is, and the fact that I have no clue what he looks like. Well, I guess Ill work this out later!

Hey guys! This is my first time posting any story. Feel free to leave recommendations

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