Chapter 5: The First Day 2/2??

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So, Picking up where we were last...

George quickly picked up the ball he assumed was lime green. To his dismay, it was actually a yellow, but what can I say? It's George. Clay quickly lifts the heavy ball from Georges hand and leads George towards their lane. 

"I never knew you went bowling," George commented thoughtfully.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things I'm sure you don't know about me, but I guess you'll learn them soon." Clay rolls the ball towards the pins and gets a strike first try.(I have never been bowling... So pointers would be nice) 

George is in awe and admiration drips into his voice as he sighs and comments,"I suck at bowling, so I think there's a chance you might win, a very, very low chance."


After an hour and a half of bowling they head towards the food hall and walk towards one of the shops. The shop they head to serves Pho and Boba. A weird combination amiright? Clay seemed to know where they were and had been there before, so George trusted him (Rookie Mistake George...). As they ordered one medium beef Pho and one medium chicken Pho they agreed to get 3 Bobas. George wanted a Strawberry Boba while George wanted a chocolate one. They got a special pumpkin flavored one to split. As they head to their tables Clay hums quietly and they sit in comfortable silence aside from a little conversation every once in a while.


They were planning to go ice skating but George and Clay were both to tired so they headed home to watch some movies together. These movies lulled them to sleep. On the coach. Together. Cuddling. 

What will they do? This is like the cliche one bed situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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