Chapter 3: The First Day

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" was the first thing George heard as his eyes adjusted to the light. He sat up and saw Dream standing by the foot of his bed.

"What do you want? I'm so tired" George murmured as he laid back down closing his eyes and starting to drift back asleep when he was shaken awake again. Not roughly, but in a kind and caring way.

"I was going to take you rollerskating, and then bowling but never mind I guess." Dream replied At this George sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm up, I'm up..." George replied still groggy from sleep. As he got up and picked out an outfit, he walked down the hall to the bathroom. It was a large, modern bathroom. it had marble counters and black cabinets with a huge walk-in shower. George quickly undressed and hopped in the shower excited for the day to come.

Time skip-

"Are we almost there?" George asked as he stared out the window watching the telephone wires go by at a fast pace. "Not quite, give it 5 minutes"

"OK," I mutter quietly

As we pull into the parking lot, I unbuckle my seatbelt and slide towards my door ready to open it as soon as he stops. As I watch his hand switch gears, I jump out in a rush stretching my legs with anticipation for the day ahead. Dream opens his door, and from my vision, his head pops up over the car with a goofy smile on his face.

"You ready George?" Dream asks as we head towards the entrance of a grey brick building with a colorful sign labeled 'Big Bing's Bowling + Racing Roller Rink'. As we enter the building the smell of sweat, but also fast food meets us. Dream briskly walks towards the receptionist's desk while I follow him like a lost puppy.

"Entrance for two?" The girl behind the counter asks. Dream nods, and the girl looks at her screen. "That will be $12.48.  Also, are you Georgenotfound? My friends a huge fan, and would love picture with you. She's over there I can get her if your okay with it?"

"Uh... Sure, feel free. Although, please don't post about this until tomorrow please" The girl nods and scurries to find her friend. 

"I am not very good at pictures. I wish I was photogenic like some other people." George mutters signing before grabbing Dreams hand and excitedly dragging him towards the rack of Bowling balls. Dream makes noise that makes it obvious he doesn't want to be dragged right now. 

As they reach the cart, George grabs a dark blue ball that seems to be an adult size. As Dream studies Georges features, George is leaning over muttering to himself about which ball is lime green and which one is yellow. Dream never noticed that George tilted his head when deep and thought, and by doing so he managed to make himself look even better than before.

Okayy, so I'm going to make this a two piece chapter. I've lost motivation. Lol Love you all -A/n

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