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Loved every single suggestion you guys offered, thanks so much for the time you take to do so! To the_badwolf: Thanks, I always love knowing what your favorite part of the chapter is!

To Cartlin;

Response: Well you certainly managed to highlight all the bad of the series, and I'm not really going to argue with any of the points you made, those are your opinions and I respect that. What I will say though, and maybe I'm speaking with a touch more nostalgia than is called for here, but personally I think there's a lot more magic to this series that comes from more than just the wands. I love these characters, they're actions are human and believable and they very often have to deal with the consequences of the often times poor decisions they make. I've tried my best in writing this to show both the good and the bad of all of these, and I hope that's come through...and doesn't disappoint in the end.


Lily hadn't been this happy about the book for this long since Harry's first year, and even then by this point her son had been in more than one deadly situation. Of course she couldn't deny the Voldemort mentioning's, but Harry was at school now where Dumbledore would even keep the worst of that away from him. She was all for hearing about her son sitting in the stands and enjoying this tournament, so after she handed the baby to Remus, that reminder she gave the boys actually quieted them down so she could start.

"Are you sure, because I don't think he got that the first dozen times," Lily snorted.

"Quite being a killjoy Lily," Sirius shot back, "just imagine for a moment that your idol was around school, you'd be acting the same way."

Lily shrugged at that, not denying it.

"I know I can't," James agreed.

"Actually that just makes him all the more interesting," Remus smiled. "Shows that he's thinking outside of his career, most others his age would have dropped everything."

"I can't see why he wouldn't," Sirius snickered.

"Starting to wonder if this is why they told them to do just that," Lily mused.

"If you were worried about being home sick, you shouldn't have come," James snorted.

"It probably is to them," Lily shrugged.

They were all wondering that though.

"Oh yes, I'm so sure Hermione scooting one seat over would have convinced him to sit over there," Sirius snickered, not pretending for one second he wouldn't have been just as bad.

"Now why does that feel like a bad omen?" Remus rolled his eyes, he'd heard plenty of bad things about that school from Sirius though, so maybe he was being biased.

"There's a tragedy," James pouted.

"I think it's good for him," Sirius said with a bit of a smug look, "he clearly needs all the help he can get, maybe Krum will convince him to give up on his own team all together when he finds out how bad the little brat is."

"Now who's being a hypocrite," Lily rolled her eyes, considering he was being just as bad seconds ago.

"That I wouldn't doubt," Harry said with some sympathy, as he lived that problem.

Causing all five of them to start snickering, knowing Ron wasn't kidding. He'd probably beg the house-elves never to wash his bedding again if Krum even sat on it.

"I can only imagine how much of an experience this is for them," Remus said with honest interest, his own mind spinning as for the first time he wondered what other wizards schools were really like.

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