The After Party

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(WARNING: Drug use mentioned)
~Marceline's P.O.V.~

Eventually the main party thinned out, the people that came from far going to rest before their trips back or the older people being unable to keep up with the younger crowd. The after party was close and I couldn't wait. Me and Bonnie had danced a lot so we ended up sitting down, my arm around the back of her chair as she leaned forward slightly, eating the food they had given us. I couldn't think about eating now. My eyes couldn't leave the beautiful creature that was next to me. I took a deep breath as the slit on the side of her dress exposed her crossed legs to me. It took all of my strength not to reach over and touch her smooth skin. I forced myself to look away and saw Marshall in a corner with Fiona. He had her pinned to a wall as Fiona looked uncomfortable but not willing to pull away. I laughed when I noticed the red spreading across her cheeks. I heard a fork being set down next to me and I looked back at Bonnie who was dabbing at her mouth lightly with a napkin to keep her lipstick intact. She looked at me and smiled sheepishly. I was about to lean in to kiss her when Keila ran up to the table. She slammed her hands on the table leaning toward us and I sighed. This better be worth it.

"You guys! The limo is ready to take us to the after party. Here's our clothes! Let's go change out of this!" She dropped off two bags and ran off with a bag of her own. Bonnie looked at me and noticed the proximity and blushed wildly before standing and scurrying off behind Keila, grabbing her bag. I chuckled to myself and ran a hand through my hair, slightly frustrated at the interruption. I felt someone looking at my direction and I saw Marshall smirking in my direction, apparently Keila has also interrupted them. I smirked back and stood, grabbing the bag, slinging it over my shoulder and heading to the girls bathroom. When I got there, Keila was already in a deep purple shirt with some weird creature on it, booty shorts, and some converse. She caught sight of me.

"I hope you like what I picked out for you guys. It's matching t-shirt. That way they know who's with who. Because last year Ma-" she silenced when she remembered Fiona was there. "Mark?.. He kept hitting on everyone." The name sounded more like a question than a statement but I rolled my eyes.

"As long as it's not pink, I'm fine." I walked into the empty stall, peeling off the suit and tie, sliding on a black t-shirt that had some a glittering purple design on the right side of the front of the shirt. It started as small flower buds at the bottom before getting bigger and "blooming" at the top. Next I pulled out some black jeans with a chain attachment at the hip. And to top it off, some deep purple Converse. I shoved everything else into the now empty bag and stepped out. Bonnie was already there waiting, her shirt was the same as mine but instead of jeans she was in a black booty short which also had a chain attachment. I smiled as I looked her up and down, I slowly wrapped my hands around her small hips as I kissed her cheek. She placed her hands on my shoulders shyly as I let my lips travel down her neck. She gasped softly in my ear and someone cleared their throat. Crap. I looked up and saw Keila laughing alittle and Fiona blushing furiously with a shocked face. I saw what Fiona was wearing. A baby blue shirt with a star design up the side, dark booty shorts and baby blue Converse. I pulled away from a fidgeting Bonnie and placed my hand on the small of her back, motioning Keila and Fiona out, following close behind with Bonnie. Marshal stood there in an outfit identical to Fiona's and Bongo in one identical to Keila's. They all began walking towards the limo as I turned for a second and pressed a kiss on Bonnie's forehead. She smiled curling slightly into my side as we walked. The limo door was open as I helped Bonnie in, climbing in next to her and closing the door. I rested my hand around the part of the seat that Bonnie was and vaguely listened to the chatter that was going on. I felt some pressure against the seat as my arm slid and fell on Bonnie's shoulder. As I was about to pull away, Bonnie lifted her and and twinned our fingers together and sent me a small smile before joining in the conversation. I kissed the side of her head in hailing deeply and grinned. Within 30 minutes we reached the party location. We pulled up to the house, it looked like one of those stereotypical "haunted houses at the top of the hill". Each room window shone a different color from all the party lights but the house seemed to shake all at the same time, signifying that they were playing the same music everywhere. Keila gave an excited hoot and threw the limo open, running towards the house. Bongo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck slightly, following. Marshall and Fiona followed in a more civilized manner, Marshall's arm wrapping possessively around Fiona. I chuckled alittle and climbed out, holding a hand out to help Bonnie. She took it and stepped down. I thanked the driver and told him to go home to his family, that it was getting late and we'd call a cab later. He beamed at this and nodded, driving off. I started walking but stopped when I noticed Bonnie hadn't. She just stood there nervously.

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