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"Alexandria, students will be arriving soon." I starred at myself in the mirror, my grandfather standing behind me. Four days early we had arrived at Hogwarts. This was the first summer since my second year that my grandfather did not let me spend with the Weasleys, however I can't say I ended up minding as much as I thought I would.

My grandfather and I, Albus Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, spent the whole summer together, we made memories to last forever and I will forever be grateful for that. It's always been just us two. My mother died when I was very little - a baby barely even one. My father, well my mother had never revealed other than to her best friend and my godmother Lily Potter. A secret they both took to their grave. I don't really mind though, not knowing my father, not nearly as much as I used to. I've become used to my family now - I have my grandfather and that's all I need.

"Yes I am aware grandfather." I replied raising a brow, still looking at his smiling reflection in the mirror behind me. I took one last look at myself, my dull brown hair, my dark brown eyes, my lightening bolt scar on my left cheek identical to my best friends - Harry Potter. A reminder of the night our parents were killed and the night we became famous due to our lucky unknown escape.

My grandfather put my Gryffindor robes round my shoulders and squeezed my shoulders. Yes, I thought as I looked at myself, I look just as boring and plain as every other year. Wonderful.

"Perfect as always my dear, now come." My grandfather smiled and I placed a small kiss on his cheek as we walked to the great hall from his office.

This year will be different I thought to myself. I couldn't wait to see my friends, however one thing played on my mind, it played on my mind all summer. Harry. The last time I saw Harry his godfather Sirius Black had been killed. We had all witnessed it, it was a painful and horrible scene, and also a reminder of the return of Voldemort. After our third year I was so pleased to learn Harry had a family member left, after all Harry and I were family in some way, but I still had my grandfather, Harry had no one. Now he was gone, ripped from Harry just as their relationship was starting. My heart ached at the thought. Never the less. This year will be different. No heart ache no death. Yes it will be different I said to myself.

"After you my dear."" I was ripped out of my thoughts as my grandfather opened the doors to the great hall for me. "I must say grandfather it is rather strange being here first, I wouldn't like to get used to this, oh how I missed the train this year!". My grandfather let out a chuckle as we walked down the middle of the great hall. Candles floating above us and the warm, inviting feeling of home found it's way back to me.

Oh how I missed Hogwarts, believe it or not my grandfather and I do not live here all year round.

My grandfather placed a kiss on my head and made his way to the teachers table. I took my seat at the Gryffindor table anxiously looking towards the door, waiting for my friends to walk through.


Hi everyone!

This is my first story so this chapter is a little short.

I'm not sure if anyone will even read this story, but I'm so excited to start writing it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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