The Letter

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Dear Kian,

To my one and only, I still love you and trust me I ALWAYS will. Deep down I know that I

WILL miss you. Please don't miss me, what you have done is unacceptable and there will

always be pain with me because of it. You grabbed my heart, carried it, and now shattered

it in my eyes. I have cried and cried last night but then I have come to my decision, I am

leaving. I already have my plane ticket so please don't bother come and look for me because

I will be gone by then. Will you please forget me and move on, marry a nice girl have some

kids and be a very nice father. I know you will love your kids no matter what and that's one

of the things I loved about you. I am sitting at your desk writing this while you sleep. Your

mother let me in because I told her that I left my bracelet you gave me in there. I will miss

her too. We have been together for 5 whole years I can't believe it's been that long and I

also can't believe that after 5 years you would do this to me. This is probably the 4 time I

wrote this letter because I keep messing up and this one is already tear stained I am watching

you sleep, taking your small breathes and having tiny little snores every now and then and

it's adorable I will defiantly miss this. I can't imagine sleeping without you you telling me

goodnight and holding me tight and keeping me safe.please never hurt another girl because

I know that you are actually a nice young handsome man. I want you to be happy I will love

you until this whole world is able to smell blueberry a from the color red colors. Which will not happen so my love for you

is eternal. I will love you for infinity and beyond for forever and a year. God, I love you and

your cheesy dates and everything else. Our tickle fights...okay I'm going to stop naming

things because this is getting harder and harder for me and I'm just going to stop this here

so bye I will love you forever and always Kian just remember that and never let it blow out

of your mind, maybe in a few years I might come back bye I love you KiKi

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