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Aizawa convened the
teachers and the principal.

"Y/N had been missing from school since last Monday.
Her parents were impossible to be reached on any device."You heard All Might through the teacher's office's door."The place of residence she provided, was empty, it seemed like nobody has ever lived there."He added.

"I suggest that we suspend her until we know what circumstances she lives under."Aizawa interjected.

"We should ask her about that first, it's probably not her fault."Principal Nezu looked at Aizawa.

The teachers and the principal left the room, except Aizawa and Midnight.

You looked in the room, waiting for Aizawa to tell you why he called you there for.

"Hi sweetie!"Midnight smiled, signalling  with her hand to go there and sit down.

You sat down with her, having the feeling of Aizawa's cold eyes looking at you from the side.

"Midnight will ask you a few questions, if you're not comfortable to answer you can stay in silence, she'll skip that question and continue with another one, is that okay with you?"Aizawa asked you.

"Sure..."You straightened your back.

"Good, I will wait for you y/n, behind the door."Aizawa said, closing the door behind him.

You nodded and turned your head back to Midnight.

They'll obviously leave me with a women, transparent and ridiculous.I won't open up better just because she has the same gender as me.

And the fact that she's looking kinda pretty very much just like..she's hot, not helping at all.

"So, first question..where've you been last week?"Midnight asked.

Not wasting any time, i see.

"I was with a friend."

"Okay, so you two were at your house, right?"

They know I wasn't home, they're testing my honesty.

"No we weren't, we were at their house."

"I see, remember if you're not comfortable with the question you can stay in silence."Midnight repeated Aizawa's words.

If I choose to be in silence I would tell more than if I answered.

You nodded.

"The scars on your neck, was that an accident?"

"No, it wasn't."

She closed her eyes as if she was hoping for the Yes it was answer."Did somebody do this to you?"

"Yes."You said with the amount of calmness that it was almost terrifying.

"Okay..." She sighed. "Who did it?"

You stayed in silence, not breaking the eye contact that you created with her.

Midnight nodded slowly with a slow, comforting blink "..Where are your parents at the moment?"

"In their grave."You looked away and smiled.

I'm hilarious.

Her eyes widened."I'm so sorry, I wasn't informed of this."Her eyes stuck to the floor.

"Because I didn't tell anyone."You cocked your head to the side.

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