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He just sat there, without
even laying an eye on you.

What you told him was
the truth, omitting a few

You didn't want to tell him about
"The wrath of the dragon" after
all, you only knew about it for a month.And that you live with the
villains who attacked the class.

But of course I missed that information.

Minutes have passed since you finished with the story, Bakugou broke the silence.

"Turn it off!"He looked at you, still looking down to his legs."Your quirk, that covers your scars, turn it off or stop concentrating on it, whatever, so I can see if you're lying or not."

You shivered even from the thought of it.You stood up."Are you dumb?---do you know how much does it hurts already and you expect me to go through the full pain again?I just told you how much I suffered-"

He saw the fear in your eyes and stood up with you."Okay, shut up!"Bakugou grabbed your uncontrollable shaking hands.

Passive agressive.

It's so warm.

Feels so calming.

But he held them so roughly, you couldn't even move them.

You relaxed your hands in his and sighed."My side––it was already burnt so that was maybe the most tolerable."

Tolerable?What am I talking about?

I was on the verge of fainting.

Bakugou raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean by "already burnt?They captured you before?"

You shook your head."When I was young, before my father died he burnt me accidentally during an attack."

At least that's what that recording showed you.

"Your father is—dead?"Bakugou body went lame, his hands sliding off of yours.

"Actually..."You put one finger in the air."My parents* are dead."You said pulling the side of your shirt up.

When he heard it, all he wanted to do was asking more and more.

You grabbed his hand.

He looked at you weirdly like he didn't just do the same a minute ago.

"I said it was tolerable, not painless, I need something to hold onto."You said under your breath, dropped a smile before closing your eyes for straight three seconds.

Your side started to fumigate.

When Dabi burned you in the factory, the second he cut the chains, you healed the burn.Since it was healed at that state where it was fumigating if you turn your quirk off, it'd continue to burn from where it stopped.

Bakugou was shocked, his eyes widened as he looked down your side.It was like looking at a piece of wood burning into charcoal.

You sqeezed his hand so thightly, he had to put pressure on your hand.It brought him back to the land of the living.

"Okay I believe you!!"He shouted quiet concerned.

Not without any reason, since your side looked like it was about to become nothing but ash.

Immediately healed it and gasped from holding back the screams.

You looked into the terrified Bakugou's eyes.

"Now you can tell your mother you've seen a hot women."You scoffed, teeth gritted, toiling with the pain you just went through again.

Bakugou raised the corner of his lip in a slight snarl.

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